How About Something Uplifting For a Change of Pace? – IOTW Report

How About Something Uplifting For a Change of Pace?


ht/ meerkat

26 Comments on How About Something Uplifting For a Change of Pace?

  1. I’m in Tampa right now with my niece, who delivered her first child by emergency C-section Monday evening. The poor, sweet little baby girl has to have open heart surgery Friday morning. This absolutely touched me. Thank you for posting.

  2. When I want uplifting I watch 3 stooges shorts. There is well over 150 shorts.
    The titles are the best
    Three hams on rye
    The yokes on me
    No dough boys
    I think BFH gets his title inspiration from the three stooges shorts or
    the New York Post

  3. Yeah, completely understandable when you witness it first hand.

    One time in a hospital, as I was passing the gift shop, I overheard a young Mom standing before the shop’s display window with a small girl in a hospital gown telling her she had to choose between a McDonald’s meal and a stuffed animal. “I told you I can’t get both”

    When I looked their way I could see the child struggling with the choice between hunger and the stuffed animal. Her hand was awkwardly up against her head either in pain or considering which she wanted more. She had no hair. Broke my heart.

    Gave them the 10 in my pocket and told Mom to get her both. My God, the innocence of that girl wanting comfort and needing food was too much. I chalked it up to God answering my morning prayer to let me know what he wanted from me that day.

    I rarely carry cash. It was pure chance having that 10 on me. A short time before that, I was unexpectedly repaid that 10.

  4. Why else are we here. What good is success if you don’t do any good with it.

    ’bout time for another round for you, too, MJA. You have a serious need not yet met.

    I’ve been wearing your link for a while but the links don’t stand out and sing. If there was a way to do that, that would help. They are as good as invisible right now.

  5. I had a slightly different reaction to that story.

    Of course I thought, “Aw, how touching”, etc. like everyone else here. But then I remembered how things were when I was a kid, and how at one time an older adult stranger could have an innocent interaction with a small child without the child’s parents or guardians automatically becoming paranoid or nervous about it like this kid’s mother was.

    This account didn’t exactly move me to tears, but sometimes I could weep for what our country and our society has become.

  6. I am so appreciative of the well wishes and prayers. My niece is in a very bad way because her husband never wanted this child and hasn’t been supportive of her during the pregnancy.

  7. Looking exactly like any Santa illustration you have ever seen, I get a LOT of attention from kids.
    One June I was standing in line at Sam’s, it was a long line.
    A Down’s syndrome little girl was in front of me with her mother.
    “Momma, it’s Santa, look Momma, it’s Santa, Momma, it’s Santa!
    The mother tried to apologize, i wouldn’t have that. The little girl and I had a very animated conversation, to the delight of the customers.
    The mother thanked me profusely, according to her, people don’t even see disabled kids.
    People suck, I love kids.

  8. OpenTheDoor, I suddenly have the urge to sit in your lap!

    Santa Baby, put a sable under the tree for meeeee,
    Santa Baby, a ’54 convertible too, light blue, so hurry down the chimney tonight..
    Santa Baby I really want a yacht, that’s not much, I’ve really been an angel all yearrrrrr
    Santa Baby, there’s just one more thing, I need a deed to a platinum mine…

  9. @Zonga, the manager at my bank has been after me for years to leave her a red Mercedes.
    I tell her every time I did, she needs to move to a better neighbourhood, seems it keeps getting stolen.

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