Pamela Geller:
He’s just an idiot. Got that? He plotted to behead me because he was “overweight, lonely and desperate for an escape from his bleak life.” See? No worries. Jihad murderers are just idiots. Stop wasting your time fighting mere idiots.
The public has been so systematically and consistently lied to for so many years about the nature of the jihad threat that the jury just might fall for this twaddle.
I agree that the guy’s an idiot — a GUILTY as hell idiot who deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail.
Hillary could use the same defense, much better than just careless.
I’m sure her attorney’s are rewriting her depositions now.
Brilliant !
I hope Pamela lives some place she can get a carry permit. Sounds like she’s going to need it.
An idiot with no intent?
Seems like we heard something like that awhile ago.
someone give him the desperate escape he needs because of his bleak life— I dont own a gun so if you would- please be my Proxy and do it for me– tks… 🙂
Kinda like a “JV team”? Nothing to see here, right?
Just ….sloppiness.
In Basic Law 101 that’s called the “Defendant doesn’t have a leg to stand on but we have to come up with some kind of argument” defense.
Should have gone with the: he was just going along with his cultural understanding of the R.O.P.” so he is not “guilty”. After all he is just unaccustomed to how things go on here and if you do find him guilty you are all just a bunch in intolerant bigots and in my book I will make sure each and everyone of your faces appear in said book and what part you played in sustaining the culture of intolerance and bigotry; so think about that while you are deliberating.
How much is CAIR paying the lawyer? I’d need one hell of a pay day to sell my soul like that. If she is getting just the standard fee then that explains “my client is an idiot” defense.
So, the defense attorney is in effect ADMITTING the guy is guilty, and even listed the motivation for his behavior. Last time I looked, the so-called “motivation” (be it loneliness or islamic extremism) doesn’t matter so much as the fact that HE DID WHAT HE DID.
“[O]verweight, lonely and desperate for an escape from [x]is bleak life” is this century’s “war hero.”
I don’t care if he is Forest Gump stupid. He plotted to kill her. Life sentence seems right.
“Overweight, lonely and desperate for an escape from his bleak life”, is no way to go through life, son.
This is why, folks, you JUMP when you get a Jury call up notification.
Last phucker went to prison on 5 of 6 charges and I was the Jury Foremen for it. Who’yah bitches!!!