Poll finds many Californians are ready to move over high housing costs – IOTW Report

Poll finds many Californians are ready to move over high housing costs


According to a new poll from UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies, more than half of California voters say the cost of housing is so bad that they’re thinking about leaving the state.

Poll director Mark DiCamillo said:

“It’s an extremely serious problem. People are being forced to consider moving because of the rising cost of housing – that’s pretty prevalent all over the state.”

The poll also revealed that 60% of the electorate supports rent control.

56% of votes said they’ve considered moving. Out of that, 1 in 4 said they’d relocate out of state if they did move.

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29 Comments on Poll finds many Californians are ready to move over high housing costs

  1. A whole lot of them are moving to Arizona, driving up housing costs for those of us who live here, acting like aggressive assholes and trying to force their commie liberal ideology onto everyone. They shit their own bed then move into yours and steal your covers.

  2. The pestilent take their pestilence with them.
    A rat is a rat – no matter where he hangs his hat.
    They will urinate, defecate, and spread their diseases wherever they go.
    Once they make a land uninhabitable, they will emigrate to a more pristine to destroy that. Quarantine is the only proper response.

    We seem to have learned nothing from the long march of History.
    Kinda makes ya wonder why some trouble themselves to write shit down …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The rise of multifamily rented units versus the decline of single family mortgaged units, all the hype for millennials, had to come to a pivotal point at some time. You’re talking people who don’t want to own anything because they don’t know how to take care of anything. I say screw’em, it’s their own desire to not build personal wealth.

  4. i used to enjoy hanging out with all my liberal neighbors in LA just to hear them bitch and moan about Eric Garcetti (they called him Mayor Yoga Pants) and city council. My neighbors? All Democrats. Mayor Yoga Pants and every single city council member? All Democrats. The single-party system is not working out so well. Shock.

  5. Made that decision 1976, I have been back, have never looked back.
    When I was outside Seattle a few years back, the first question asked was if I was from California, my company had a plant there.
    When I told them I was a redneck from GA, they all held out their hands to shake.
    Natives in Washington HATE Californians, if you get out of Seattle, you would think you were in Tennessee.
    Only place I have ever been where women bought you a drink just to hear you talk.

  6. “Natives in Washington HATE Californians”

    I’ll bet money some of those “Natives” moved fro L.A. 15 years ago. I have cousins in that area that moved up their some time ago and within 2 years they all had those “Welcome to Washington, now go back to California” bumper stickers stuck on their Volvos. And yes they are conservatives.

  7. It’s not the high cost of housing in SoCal that bothered me – it was the fact that you really don’t own your property. Virtually everyone is subject to a homeowners’ association in addition to whatever draconian local ordinances you may be subject to, and they tell you what you can and can’t do. Want to install or change landscaping? Apply to the HOA. Want to paint your house a different color or change the roof? Apply to the HOA. HOA management thinks you do need to paint your house? They will fine you until you do. Some HOAs regulate your window coverings, others prohibit you from parking on the street or in your driveway, and heaven forbid you don’t mow your lawn for two weeks. The legislature actually had to step in and force HOAs to allow satellite dishes and solar panels which were banned by many HOAs.

    This is the mindset of many Californians – individuals really shouldn’t own or control property but property should be controlled by the collective. Except the collectively isn’ willing to pay for it.

  8. The desire to move isn’t because of high housing costs.

    It’s because the legislature is, and has been, hell bent of criminalizing the productive to transfer wealth and private property through the forced implementation of socialist, confiscatory legislation all the while trying to disarm the population resistant to that implementation.

    I’m going to start my new life in an original American populated state called Wyoming soon, and trust me, I’ll be laughing at California while it strangles itself to death. Your tax base is escaping, California legislature. I’m gonna laugh again when your governmental grant money fails to arrive despite what some judge said can’t happen.

    All the militant faggots, trannies, and illegal invading Mexican hordes can have a sanctuary state for themselves. Do your best to concentrate yourselves into one local area so we can wall your asses up and prevent y’all from infecting the rest of America.

    People in every state should invest in billboard sign advertising California as a free to live socialist state. Help the legislature to realize their dream of utopia. Persuade all the parasitic cockroaches within the ‘free’ states to move the hell out – and to move in to the California paradise.

  9. “The desire to move isn’t because of high housing costs”

    That’s true in Stockton, and most of California actually. But not where they took these polls. They do have a housing/rent crisis. That’s why you have all the super commuters living out here in the valley commuting to the Bay Area. The reason for this is Silicon Valley killed the middle class. You have your middle 6 figure income people and then people making 50K a year. and nothing in between. That’s what happens when you are a serviced based economy. That’s the end result of finally killing manufacturing.
    Congrats on your move.

  10. On the HOA or anyone else trying
    to regulate satellite dishes: Federal
    Law says that it overrides all other
    regulations on dishes up to one meter
    in diameter and allows them in any
    place on a property where they need to be located to receive the signals.

  11. Damn, the asshole perps are leaving Mexifornia for the normal states and are taking their loony Marxist philosophy with them! Appears to be the same strategy the Muzzholes are using (overwhelm the normals with both numbers and putrid crap)!

  12. California is a beautiful state. It has everything; majestic mountains, rich farmlands, dense forests, lovely beaches, lonely and serene deserts, abundant scenic landmarks.

    Unfortunately it also has large unpleasant cities overcrowded with commies, illegals, homos, gangs, pedophiles, vegans, gun grabbers, feminazis, corruptocrats, junkies, tree huggers, senile senators and assorted parasites. Manufacturing has been destroyed, consequently the tax base crumbles, as do the highways, dams, schools and hospitals. The state is bankrupt, unions, taxes and regulations are out of control. The governor is a lunatic and mayors are aligned with reconquista. Local governments are infested with insane control freaks and educators are destroying the next generation.
    In short, too many shitheads per square inch.

    This is no place for a responsible conservative. I will be leaving soon, relocating to a small town in one of the mountain states.
    I can assure you, I will not be a burden on my new neighbors.

    My thoughts on leaving this once-great state can be summed up thusly:

    Adios, commiefornia.

  13. @Bad_Brad: Hate to see you go, bro. As long as you and other Conservatives are there, my California dream is still alive. I guess we all have to let go of our dreams at some time.

    It was good while it lasted, though. Wasn’t it?

    Best wishes, wherever you wind up.

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