China May Attempt to Evade U.S. Tariffs by Routing Production through Mexico – IOTW Report

China May Attempt to Evade U.S. Tariffs by Routing Production through Mexico


As President Joe Biden announces new United States tariffs on several Chinese products, including Electric Vehicles (EVs), China-based corporations may evade those tariffs by rerouting production through other countries.

This week, Biden announced new tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum, semiconductors, EVs, batteries, critical minerals, solar cells, ship-to-shore cranes, and medical products.

Specifically with EVs, Biden will slap over 100 percent tariffs on China-made EVs as former President Donald Trump’s tariffs on China-made EVs are the only trade policy currently blocking an onslaught of Chinese cars from flooding the U.S. market and severely crippling the nation’s auto workers.

Some Chinese companies have already hinted at evading such tariffs. more

12 Comments on China May Attempt to Evade U.S. Tariffs by Routing Production through Mexico

  1. Breitbart’s behind the times (not unusual, alas). The Chicoms aren’t maybe going to try to evade tariffs, the Chicoms are well into the process of evading tariffs. They’re building multiple auto assembly plants, battery factories, and other stuff in Mexico already.

    Got you again, lound-eye!

  2. As crazy as this may sound, I am guessing that Biden and his handlers are working with China to make it LOOK like Biden is getting tough with China. China gets what they want and the administration fools their followers to think Biden is really doing something.

  3. It works for GM, Ford and numerous US businesses who sent most of our manufacturing jobs to cheap labor countries like Mexico.

    Maybe the illegals will go back home for a job, there are few here. Of course they won’t have all the freebies like they do here.

  4. After all these years, you’d think Mexico would be a Capitalistic paradise by now with a prosperous middle class. It should be enticing all the Central and South American “migrants” to stay there and find jobs rather than come up here an inhabit our vacant cities with their growing industrial deserts.

  5. “As crazy as this may sound, I am guessing that Biden and his handlers are working with China to make it LOOK like Biden is getting tough with China.”

    Not really. I’ve been reading for months that our state department has been working hand in hand with the Chicoms to get this done. To save the planet ya understand.

  6. Not a chance in hell I would ever buy a chink EV, the spyware our own govt and corporations put in them is bad enough already. I hear there are thousands and thousands of the things just sitting in port lots waiting to be dumped on the west. Meantime the UAW is busy recruiting in Japanese auto factories here in the states.

  7. Chinese companies have used both dummy and “legitimate” companies in third countries to evade any number of export barriers, usually bans on contaminated products.

    If China routes production through Mexico, there will be precious little “production” done in Mexico. Also, Mexican workers are unlikely to stand for the abuse Chinese managers typically inflict on non-Han Chinese workers (they don’t treat their own people all that well).

    The Chinese are rapidly becoming the most hated ethnicity in the World…and they really couldn’t care less. They have been hated by their neighbors for millennia, and despite their arrogance, they have often suffered dearly for it…with no lessons learned.


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