Former FBI Director James Comey Interrupted By Protestors At Howard – IOTW Report

Former FBI Director James Comey Interrupted By Protestors At Howard

Comey is not their homey.

NTK: Former FBI Director James Comey was interrupted throughout his speech at Howard University’s commencement on Friday.

Protestors chanted, “Get out James Comey- you’re not our homey!”

According to CNN’s Laura Jarrett‏ protestors were also chanting, “I love being black” and “no justice no peace.”

The exact motivations of the protesters were unclear, but their chanting indicated that they were hitting the former FBI Director from the left. His previous position at the FBI has made him a prominent law enforcement target, and during his tenure as assistant US Attorney in Richmond Virginia, he introduced a controversial anti-crime program known as Project Exile.  WATCH

10 Comments on Former FBI Director James Comey Interrupted By Protestors At Howard

  1. What did that moron Comey think was gonna happen? Howard University is an historically black college. The FBI plays a major role in the War on Drugs which has pretty much helped fuck most black communities up the ass with a 2×4. Of course they hate his fucking guts. The only reason he was invited is because he’s an enemy of Trump.

  2. We must have more Politicians that belong in jail right now , than any time in our History. And what we’re seeing is the nobody goes to jail where they belong , and that sets a very dangerous precedent as time goes on !

  3. How interesting.
    They are protesting the fact that Comey upheld laws, drug laws.
    They are not protesting the fact that Comey probably broke laws, trying to undermine our political system.
    – They would likely cheer that.
    What does that say about them?

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