Looks Like Milo’s “Free Speech Week” Is A No Go – IOTW Report

Looks Like Milo’s “Free Speech Week” Is A No Go

It seems key permissions for use of campus space were not sought in time and therefore not secured to host multiple conservative speakers to appear at Berkeley for Free Speech Week. There was also an impasse with Berkeley administrators over cost sharing for the events and relieving the organizers, Berkeley Patriots, for responsibility for damages.


There is supposed to be a press conference sometime today with additional details updating the status of the schedule of events.  At best, it looks like they’ll be postponing the promised presentations More

11 Comments on Looks Like Milo’s “Free Speech Week” Is A No Go

  1. Milo released a video days ago saying they’ve been working on this for months and have been stone-walled at every turn. He even sent them a $66,000 “security” check with only 90 minutes notice. These commies force conservatives to shell out big bucks but turn around and PAY commies like hillary huge sums. This is a complete mockery of the First Amendment. May they all burn in hell for eternity.

  2. I know what you mean, Uncle Al.
    I don’t know if it’s in the homo genes,
    but Milo is an A1 provocateur butt a p!ss poor organizer*.
    He’s 2 and 0 on this sort of hiigh profile stuff.

    * as in, someone who has the resources (incl. lawyers) to follow through completion of an event.

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