The Guggenheim Museum in New York is going to hold an exhibition entitled “Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World .” All made possible, thanks to a generous grant of $300,000 from the National Endowment of the Arts.
The piece causing the biggest stir is a short film that was shot in 2003 in Beijing of an exhibit titled “Dogs Cannot Touch Each Other.” You can watch it Here
Another controversial piece is called “Old Persons Home.” You can watch it performed here when it was on display at Saatchi gallery in 2008, Here
The New York Times calls the piece pictured here “A Case Study of Transference,” which I don’t think properly depicts what the patrons are experiencing. There are some pretty sick so called pieces of art described in the NYT article.
Why do I feel like the piggy on the bottom?
Well, it appears being a mentally ill artist(?) has its benefits when it comes to funding from the National Endowment of the Arts.
Insanity funded by the NEA.
“Transference”…as in: projecting onto others what properly regards YOU?!
Yep. All that sicko sh!t IS Leftists/New Yorkers.
Yet, for the rest of your life, the N.E.A. will continue to be supported by your tax dollars.
I’ve been to China, I’m not clicking on any link.
After the show, the dogs were presented to the visitors.
Over rice.
That’s some fcuked up shit right there!
Rat FINK I am glad you said it
so I didn’t have to.
1 of the goals of communism
as entered into congressional
record in 1963. “Make art repulsive
and meaningless”.
Whoohoooo!! Dog on a stick!