After an asinine “lesson”- small children afraid they will change into the opposite sex – IOTW Report

After an asinine “lesson”- small children afraid they will change into the opposite sex

More than 40 families pull children from school that forced transgender lesson on 5-year-olds.


Forty-one families have pulled 73 children from the elite Sacramento-area Rocklin Academy charter schools as the board continues to defend a kindergarten transgender lesson several parents say traumatized their 5-year-olds and that parents weren’t told about beforehand.

A mother who pulled her son from Grade 6 and daughter from Grade 3 at Rocklin Academy Gateway, where the incident took place, has kept a tally of parents who’ve done likewise.

“It was just the tipping point for most families,” the parent, who asked her name not be published, told LifeSiteNews.

Some parents pulled their kids “solely for this,” while other had “multiple reasons, but yes, this was part of everyone’s reason,” she said.

The controversy erupted after a lesson in which the boy appeared in girl’s clothes and was reintroduced to his kindergarten classmates as a girl.

Teacher Kaelin Swaney also read the pro-transgender “I am Jazz” during the lesson, which took place just before summer vacation.

A number of parents are upset because they weren’t told about the lesson that has left their children disturbed and afraid they, too, will “change” into the opposite sex.

Moreover, it’s still not clear what happened in the classroom because Swaney and the board refused to tell parents, and the board’s account differs from what a number of parents say their five-year-olds told them, the parent told LifeSiteNews.


11 Comments on After an asinine “lesson”- small children afraid they will change into the opposite sex

  1. This is what needs to happen. These schools have nothing but contempt for the parents. Like Fidel Castro, they believe the children belong to The State. Every responsible parent needs to pull their child out until the school is left vacant.
    Same deal for the NFL. Imagine the impact if, when the America-Hating Racists “take a knee”, 30,000 fans get up out of their seats and leave the stadium, never to return. THAT would turn this crap around.

  2. It might take all season and a precipitous drop in revenue from advertisers for us to prevail. At some point the owners will oust commish Goodell for good reason. Leftist America hating players likewise.

    I am so done with these fuckheads.

  3. my kids used to come home upset about the teacher putting a big red S after their last name – we are the only “watt” family around here, mostly everyone else is named “watts”….(name has been changed to protect…um…..ME!!!)….seriously, as if my kids did not even KNOW THEIR OWN NAME…..

    thank God they didn’t have to deal with this shit……

    when are the parents going to stand up against this crap???….we can’t ALL homeschool…..some of us have to work to support all the plantation slaves…….

  4. ……have taken to responding to people who insist on the “watts” pronunciation….that WE are a SINGULAR family……

    ….which, indeed, we are….in all meanings of the word…..

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