Sorry, I’m unmoved by people “booing players” that knelt for the National Anthem – IOTW Report

Sorry, I’m unmoved by people “booing players” that knelt for the National Anthem

THEY SHOULDN’T BE AT THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the same retard, a guy who can’t spell injustice, makes a great play they will cheer him.

Is watching a football game more important than winning the culture war? Seriously? Booing the players and then settling into your seat to enjoy the game, that’s where we are at? The NFL has turned themselves into our political enemy, and you’re going to subsidize the enemy?

Spend time with your kids and grandkids and stop monetizing these thugs.

And I say this as a sports fan.

Someone asked me the other day who my favorite team is. I said “was.”

It was the Jets. I do not watch football any longer. I stopped the day the Jets hired Michael Vick. I couldn’t tell you what the Jets’ record was last year, and I haven’t watched the Superbowl in years, and I don’t miss it.

I wouldn’t tell anyone to stop watching the Jets because they hired Michael Vick. That was my choice. But I feel as if I’m not out of bounds (sorry) when I ask political warriors to stop watching football because the NFL is siding with the left.

Ht/ All Too Much



75 Comments on Sorry, I’m unmoved by people “booing players” that knelt for the National Anthem

  1. Only watching so I can list the advertisers – they are getting an email saying “I stand during the National Anthem – you need to get someone who kneels during it to buy your product. I am not allowed to make political statements at work – tell the NFL players to do the same.”
    Progressive Insurance
    Pizza Hut
    Bud Light
    Ford Trucks
    Blue Freedom Dog Food
    McDonalds –
    Burger King
    Old Spice
    Taco Bell
    Home Depot

  2. I don’t understand how anyone who loves this country would buy a ticket and sit in the stands to support these ungrateful muggafuggas.

    Like “standing but putting a hand on the kneelers”, you are sitting there and supporting them tell the country to fuck itself. They don’t want to fix anything. They hate this country who gave them everything. They hate the people in it for not giving them more.

    It’s time for a boot in the ass. I want to see these stadiums empty every week until they shut them down or convert them into a job fair for unemployed former football players.

  3. And lets be clear, its not the ticket sales its the tv ratings that dictate the revenue from commercials and the merchandising. So turn the damn tv off and stop making them rich. They assume we are weak idiots that will come crawling back. Fuck them.

  4. In a normal year I might be listening to the Seahawks game on the KIRO feed out of Seattle. I love listening to Steve Raible and Warren Moon broadcast Seahawks games over the radio. This year I could care less and if they continue these juvenile and disrespectful antics towards the national anthem and show disrespect for the country then I’ll never listen again. And I hear it’s starting in baseball, down in Oakland an A’s player wouldn’t show respect for the national anthem. I love baseball but this just might kill it for me. If they can’t show respect for this country than I won’t show any respect for them or watch or listen to any professional sports anymore.

  5. If the jerks were ignored – kind of like a 2 year old’s temper tantrum is ignored – would they then start burning our flag on the field to get attention?

    Would armchair FB freaks then finally turn off the TV? Or would they just keep accepting this anti-American behavior and buying the beer?

  6. Why do people go to the games and then boo? U buy a ticket $$ and then get upset and walk out. The stadium has your $$$.dont go in the first place. Boycot by not going.

  7. NFL revenues are from tv advertising, not ticket sales.

    Not buying tickets is extremely cool. Empty stands sends a message. Lack of tv viewership is even better.
    At some point advertisers will decide that they’re not getting their money’s worth.

    Enjoy your tantrum, cunts. You have no idea why you will no longer be able to pay the payments on your Bentley.
    Watching angry negroes lose their wealth and fame is more exciting than watching an nfl game.

    You are less than zero to me.


    1. Kneeling assholes. Politics OUTSIDE of work, idiots.

    2. 50 yards rushing is a good day now. Every play is a pass, and of course, pass interference.

    3. I don’t even know what a legal catch is anymore.

    4. End zone celebrations are 100% ghetto.

    5. Too many COMMERCIALS and ADs. Remember when we figured out movies were 90 minute toy commercials?

    6. Lack of character. I honestly don’t like ANY of the players in the league.
    *no good running backs
    *prima-donna receivers
    *game-managing quarterbacks
    *too many players suspended for steroids, night-club incidences
    *by week 3, 25% of your team is too injured to play

    7. Teams are not loyal. They move to whatever city is dumb enough to build them a new stadium.

    8. Taxpayers fund stadiums, then teams raise ticket prices, and give big checks to charity. –Um! Shouldn’t you be refunding taxpayers instead of giving OUR money away?

    9. I can’t afford to take my family to a game if I wanted to.
    Ticket price: $92.00×4
    Price for a beer: $7.75×2
    Price for a soft drink: $4.50×2
    Price for a hot dog: $5.75×4
    Parking: $40

    Really? A family of 4 is going to drop $500 to see a bunch of no-talent pricks disrespect our country, and waste my afternoon?

    I don’t think so.

  9. Ive only watched the superbowl. Easy to quit. I think the same is happening with movies. I go to none. Wont buy a video either. I watch hot rod stuff and old programs.

  10. I have stopped watching football after 57 years. Sad day, like losing an old friend who went away and got a lobotomy and became unrecognizable. I will be supporting the boycott of NFL advertisers.

  11. How much do you want to bet that NBA players will start doing it? Since I live in Utah I root for the Jazz and I know the conservative owners of the team won’t put up with that BS.

  12. I watched the superbowl in the early 2000s. I stopped because of the half time shows and endless ads. Waste of time.
    What are the cheerleaders there for? Wasn’t it their job to entertain?
    Anyway, I didn’t feel right watching a group of men who kept getting arrested, committed murder, did drugs, drunk driving, beat their girlfriends or had them killed, cheating on wives, knocked up whores. Ugh.
    What’s the difference between an NFL player and a criminal? Money.

  13. Insert my usual rant of canceling your cable or sattv here. Starve them, news & sports! Follow the money, all the cable companies own the networks for the last 10 years. PHENRY is right…ad revenues…it’s not enough to not watch, you are still financing this shit with your monthly payments. Put up an antenna or rabbit ears, I get lots of great retro tv and westerns over the air…free.

  14. It is proven science that all pro football players have suffered severe brain trauma from repeated concussions. The left has grabbed this unfortunate mental condition and used the afflicted to spread the communist agenda. They should be ashamed and football should be banned. The damaged players should receive proper Obama Care treatment at no cost to the taxpayer.

  15. Booing millionaire crybabies for two minutes, then sitting back down and watching those same crybabies entertain you for over two hours, makes your booing pointless. You become a toothless tiger behind a cage, and your roaring, normally a strong warning to your adversaries, goes ignored.

  16. I never been a big fan of football, I’ve been neutral about it… take it or leave it. Football is not an obsession with me. To me it’s 11 guys trying to destroy the 11 guys trying to destroy them. Brutal. Now I’m starting to see it as a bunch of overpaid whiners. Do not Disrespect your Flag and Country

  17. Football is gay. Their uniforms? Gay. Wrestling with big sweaty mens? Gay. Having a favorite team? Gay. Taking a snap between some big gay guys ass? Gay. Every single player? Gay. Coaches? Gay. Mascots, sponsors, fans? Gay. Gay. Gay.

    If you don’t know that football is gay, you’re probably gay.

    For more information about gay football, please consult your local library.

  18. Bastards are doubling down tonight on Sunday Night Football.

    I am taking a bullet for iotw and watching the pregame.

    I want to ENSURE that I will NEVER watch this shit again after tonight.

    I WANT it to be as painful as possible.

    I will not relent.


    On the plus side, more free time for me.
    I quit watching the late-night comics last year.
    Now this additional time saver.

    Trump did these motherfuckers a favor…assisted suicide.

    Trump is the NFL Kervorkian.

  19. The NFL is not intimidated by a fan boycott. Not enough people will participate to really make a difference. Globalist elite corporate supporters and NFL owners generate enough revenue to keep the NFL operating forever. It would take a massive boycott of all NFL corporate sponsors to have any effect.
    The NFL recruit miseducated, liberal black players for a reason. They are easily manipulated by socialist doctrine, and never taught the advantage and purpose of nationalism as Americans. These players are living a lie based on what they’ve been lead to believe – American is unjust, even though they are living the American dream without any restrictions. Along with other anti-American groups the NFL represents how our country has failed to protect its sovereignty. This country is not teaching the importance of civic responsibility. This is shameful and humiliating.

  20. Agreed 99th.
    Of course they are twisting Trump’s words and meaning.
    The MSM theme is 1st Amendment and “right to protest.”
    Total bullshit.

    Of course the irony is THE WASHINGTON REDSKINS are playing tonight.

    Kind of like Jimmy Kimmel and Guiermo, the Mexican he makes fun of on a nightly basis.

  21. No Brad. But I’ll let you wrestle with greasy engine blocks and oddly sexily shaped transmissions.

    That shit is totally not gay.

    Hey! You guys don’t know I’m almost done building a 66 f100. For like a year. That’s where about half my time is spent. I’d post a pic but lack the interest to learn how. But’s it’s a 352 I gutted, machined and built up into a 390 with the comp cam and edlebrock intake…um… C6 Tranny blah blah blah. It’ll be fast. Am working on a hood hinge today.

  22. 99th squadron.

    We’ll Just see about that. I think you are wrong.
    Like I said earlier, it was one thing to have a rogue player or two acting out foolishly b
    When the league endorses ir? Totally different ballgame.

    They have no idea about the fury they face.

  23. The NFL rule book is on line.
    NFL RULES!! The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league rulebook. It states:

    “The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

    “During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.”

    We don’t go to many games because the Cleveland Clowns and Frowns suck. Also we can’t ccw there. We have bought their licensed merchandise and there is a crap load of it. No more. I firmly believe boycotting the sponsors of the National Fuckedup League will send a message. More people love this country than hate it. BLM, ANIFA and every other fascist group are not the consumers of the NFL’s products. It’s decent hard working, country loving Americans.
    I detest Roger Goodell more than detested the awful Art Modell and that’s saying a lot.

  24. The NFL is just the latest in a long list of institutions corrupted by the Left. Everything they touch turns to shit.

    I received a text from a friend after a play in the Steeler game. I text back that the NFL is over with me. Screw the ingrate A-holes.

    I’ll watch Big 10 ball and the NHL. I don’t think I will see any black protest from NHL players.;-)

  25. And I hear it’s starting in baseball, down in Oakland an A’s player wouldn’t show respect for the national anthem.

    “As American as Mom, God, hot dogs, apple pie, baseball and Chevrolet.”

  26. Still taking a bullet and watching NBC.
    Bunch of ungrateful American hating, democrat house negroes protesting during the anthem.

    Carrie Underwood just did her intro song.
    From the looks of the intro, the league is now 100% black players.

    I remember the old days when Peyton Manning, the star that made the NFL a billion dollars, tried to wear a pair of black high-top shoes to honor Johnny Unitas.
    The league said NO!

    Even Al Michaels can suck it.

  27. Venturaguy. Yes it would require a fulltime job to reach all these CEO mutterfookers. We are at their mercy. If we do reach them they just don’t give a phuck. Same with our senators and congressmen.
    I’m on the downside of the hill my friend and I pity the children of this American generation.

  28. PHenry, If I’m wrong so be it. The concern is, do conservatives have the fortitude to make the sacrifices to fight for our cultural identity and our freedom. Most patriots who love and defend this country are working hard everyday just to survive. As conservatives, our 1st Amendment rights are eroding everyday. Boycotting may not be enough. Civil disobedience may be just around the corner – will we do it, or are we to comfortable.
    The NFL are anarchists who break their own rules without carring about the implications of corruption. I agree the backlash will result is intense and deadly conflict, but most conservatives just aren’t prepared for it. We need to be – the left will never give up their attack. Even though frontline warriors like Pamela Geller are taking major hits, with God’s help, we can see more victories, like President Trump. that will restore hope for America.

  29. When will the court jesters realize they are no longer entertaining? I haven’t watched the NFL in many years, however, today’s entitled millionaires fail to understand that they exist to entertain me and anything beyond that is unwelcome. Keep your ill informed race base politics to yourself and while you,are at it…fuck off.

  30. I’m not arguing with any of the logic behind this post, but here’s a couple of questions to ponder:

    If all the people who disagree with the kneelers stay away from the game, then who will boo them on national TV?

    And if nobody boos them, then will the kneelers and the people at home watching the game on TV think that everyone is in agreement with their actions?

    Just asking.

  31. Thought just ran through my head – DLT really stirred this pot at the rally for Strange – maybe he realized his mistake in appearing and is trying to throw the election to Moore?

  32. Hypocrite owners and league had this response rehearsed and cued up as soon as Trump criticized Kaepernick for disrespecting the flag and the anthem. This was not a spontaneous off-the-cuff reaction. Ownership is so TWO-FACED it makes me sick. They refused any patriotic displays by the players to support the police or 9/11 memorial, but caved in when it came to protesting our cultural heritage. They did not hire Kaepernick for fear of fan disapproval, but did not want to appear like plantation owners so they sided with the players rather than risk an outright mutiny. Let’s see how long before Kaeperdick gets a contract now. If only Pat Tillman was still alive and in the NFL!

  33. “You people are great. Yeah, it’s sad the NFL went queer, but look at it this way. With no one watching, it’s a huge victory for heterosexuality.”

    What ever dude. When I get up there were wrestling. Maybe naked, like the Romans. Might end up like the Greeks.

  34. There is a guy on the steelers that is a former Army Ranger and he broke from the team protest and stood at the end of the player tunnel for the anthem. Coach timlin seems to be having a problem with that. What an asshole.

  35. joe6pak

    I watched that. He should call the Houston Texans, the only team I heard stood for the National Anthem, and try and arrange a trade. Got to the gym tonight, NO NFL coverage on the 28 TVs in the place. BOYCOTTED. DONE.

  36. Oh yeah… and Brad. I don’t know what to tell you man. You obviously want me to put a hand on each of your shoulders and give you a colonoscopy.

    Sorry man, I’m not a football fan.

  37. You know, the fans MADE the NFL what it is today. And we can UNmake them just as easily. I guess they forgot that somewhere along the way.

    I always liked college football better, anyhow. After all, what does it mean to support “your” city’s team? “Our rich guys can beat your rich guys”? More like, “our team’s owner can afford to buy better players than your team’s owner” today.

    I see obituaries that say things like “so-and-so was a dedicated [insert team name here] fan”. Oh yeah? So what does that mean now that you’re dead? Maybe your time would have been better spent with your family than watching a bunch of strangers bash each others heads in for money.

    And yeah, I spent too much time on football when I was younger, myself. But that was when I knew I was going to live forever.

    I know better now.

  38. I would say I will boycott, but I quit watching the NFL awhile ago. I got sick of the pansy rules, politics and thugs. After today when it looks like just about every owner stood with their players and the league and Goodell are 100% behind it, anyone who continues attending games or watching them on television do not love their country imho.

    I guess we will soon find out how many NFL fans love their country.

  39. I would love to join in with the boycott but I haven’t watched a football game since bell bottoms were stylin’ and disco was king.
    Haven’t seen a movie in a theater since 1993.
    Refuse to shop at Target and Kellogg’s is banned.
    Baseball better not piss me off next, guess I will have to learn hockey rules.
    Do they even have hockey rules?

  40. Illuminati-sponsored half-time shows.

    All the current WITCHES in Hollywood get their turn corrupting people on the biggest stage.

    If you don’t know what I mean, you need to update yourself on their methods, symbols, lyrics, and tactics. Katy Perry, Lady Gaga are all Satanists, and the NFL is all to happy to invite them to spread their filth, even though we watch football to escape it.

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