Church Shooting – IOTW Report

Church Shooting

This shooting, had it been a white guy shooting black people, would have wall to wall coverage.

The perp shot himself when confronted by a churchgoer WITH A HANDGUN!!!!!

The perp is alive.


One woman is dead and at least six “other innocents” were shot after a gunman opened fire Sunday morning at the Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, Tennessee, the Metro Nashville Police Department says.

The shooter, identified by police as a 26-year-old black man from Rutherford County, Tennessee, suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound at the scene. He was taken into custody and is at the hospital with non-life-threatening wounds, police said. His name has not yet been released.

more here

ht/ all too much

24 Comments on Church Shooting

  1. ” He has a permit to legally carry a handgun, and ran to his car to retrieve his gun after being struck by the shooter.”

    This is why you never unstrap. I carry in church. Several of us do.

  2. Perp couldn’t even shoot himself properly.
    He’s gonna have FUN being the pass-around bitch of Thor, Bubba, Tiny, and Dr Julio, owners and proprietors of “The Gray Bar Hotel Ghey Whey Delicatessen, Home of the Cockmeat Sammich, Smothered in Man Meat Mayo and Nut Butter”.

  3. I used to carry in church, there were 7 LEO that carried, my dad was the sheriff he carried.
    There were 3 cop cars in the parking lot. My dad was always on duty.
    But nothing ever happened at the church it was a different time. People had more respect than
    to shoot up a church.
    It was the 50’s and 60’s

  4. Back in ’75 I got a traffic ticket just outside Rutherfordton, TN. Cop had me follow him into town to pay the citation.
    Justice of the Peace was finishing his lunch, a poorboy sandwich.
    There was a guy sweeping out the office and a couple of holding cells.
    Fine came to $14.00, I paid with a $20.00 travelers check.
    JP gave me change- 4 singles and some coins. From the front pocket of his bib overhalls.
    Meanwhile, the other guy put the broom away, returned to his cell, and pulled the door shut.

    True story.

  5. When the music pastor at my church was asked by someone from another church why he carried in church, he said because what if someone doesn’t like the music? Funny guy.
    Small church of fifty on Sunday at least half a dozen are armed.
    When seconds count it seems like your car is miles away.

  6. @T: Regarding music in church. A few of us young people would crack up when the pastor would announce who was playing the organ, he’d say “Here’s Vesta on the organ.” He didn’t have a clue. Not surprised at the shooting though, these days it doesn’t matter where the location is, we’re not safe any where.

  7. A local report stated that the perpetrator’s vehicle was still running when the police arrived. Looks like he expected to be in and out quickly. The report also stated that he wore a neoprene mask.

    My jaded opinion is that this was an attempt at a false flag attack against a mixed race congregation, intended to look like the work of a white supremacist.

  8. “When seconds count it seems like your car is miles away.”

    Yea, and then you got to get back, and back in the fight.

    Sometimes, it takes several lifetimes to make the round trip…

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