Al Michaels Implies Raiders Lost Because They’re Strategizing Pre-Game About Their Political Antics Instead of Football – IOTW Report

Al Michaels Implies Raiders Lost Because They’re Strategizing Pre-Game About Their Political Antics Instead of Football

19 Comments on Al Michaels Implies Raiders Lost Because They’re Strategizing Pre-Game About Their Political Antics Instead of Football

  1. This is what I call a “PUSSY ISSUE”. It is a disgracefully disrespectful display of vanity and hypocrisy that we won’t fix. And they will still be overpaid but ignorant.

    In the meantime, we have HUGE issues facing the survival of the America we love: Illegal immigration, growing violent crime, Muslim infestation, serious global threats including nuclear, biological, and chemical, growing perversity and rejection of God, unmanageable economic debt, etc.

    This PUSSY ISSUE is only a symptom of the much bigger challenges we face in trying to preserve a life for our children.

    I no longer have interest in the NFL; I have kept the memories of the better days. I will not participate. Let them do what they do best – be disrespectful and ignorant of our history and “bask in the glory”.

    BOYCOTT AND MOVE ON – while these pussies pretend to be important, we need to get a grip on what we can change and protect what’s left of our once great country.


    ⚫ Most of these players have never had a job.
    ⚫ They skated through high school and college. They never paid a penny for their education.
    ⚫Now they are rich pampered millionaires.

    No one has really ever told them, “no.”

    ◾They don’t understand how an actual job works.
    ◾They don’t understand how the political system works, and the effort needed to change it.
    ◾They are a bunch of DUMB JOCKS.
    ◾They are mostly inter-bred and have low I.Q.s.
    ◾They are socially retarded.

    🔴 I’m not surprised at all that a bunch of conceited entitled idiots don’t know how to do anything other than hold signs, block traffic, hold their fist in the air, and kneel during an anthem, like a punch of pouting babies throwing a temper tantrum.

  3. If the people that voted for Trump boycotted the games and the tv the NFL would be on their knees in a matter of days. The best result is the season gets cancelled and the owners have to sell for pennies on the dollar with the teams bought up by actual patriots who do not suffer fools gladly. They write a new charter capping salaries at non-insane levels and putting in strict player guidelines that include expulsion for bringing dishonor on the game.

  4. If I were paying the bills, I would sue their asses off for breach of contract. It’s a part of every NFL employment contract that the players, coaches, and staff must stand respectfully during the National Anthem.

    I would seek both compensatory and punitive damages (easy to prove in this case, have you seen the plummeting numbers?), and by the time I got finished these jerks would be paying me for the rest of their miserable lives!

    NFL now stands for NO F-ING LONGER! I’m done…erased all this weeks games and will NEVER watch this bullsh!t again. Besides, I prefer open-wheel road racing, and downhill skiing anyway. You know, sports that actually require intelligence as much as skill.

  5. Rush said the same thing about the Seahawks. Instead of adjusting to the time zone change and planning the game day -they spent 4 hours talking about how they were going to protest the anthem.

  6. The owner of the Jaguars Shahid Khan said that “this was a Rosa Parks moment for the Jaguars.”


  7. Maybe Sheldon Silver can recommend some dirty shyster lawyer to file a Class Action Lawsuit against the Negro Felons Leeg for breach of contract. I dont think the Negro Felons Leeg ever implied or advised ticket buyers that they were attending a political event masquerading as a football game and that the owners would intentionally ruin their experiences for massive numbers of attendees. Its fraud and false advertising. I know its a shyster, Sheldon Silver, Chuck Schumer, type scumbag lawyer theory but maybe it will cause them some pain if someone figured out a valid claim and cost them money and further embarrassment.

    Boycotts and lawsuits seem to be the only things that work these days.

  8. I live in Jax, FL – when hubby & I saw the Jag players kneeling on foreign soil during our anthem, than standing for God Save the Queen….. well, we’re done.

    We’re switching to ice hockey – Jax has a new team, The IceMen – cheaper tix prices, 5 mins from our house & they get to duke it out.

    Fuck the NFL.

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