West Point Communist Twitter Troll Being Investigated – IOTW Report

West Point Communist Twitter Troll Being Investigated

West Point graduate 2nd Lieutenant Spenser Rapone tweets under the handle “PunkProletarian” using the name “Commie Bebop” has now drawn a formal investigation by the army for  advocating  communism.


I would add that based on some of the garbage Lieutenant Rapone had retweeted, that he doesn’t think much of the flag that he’s suppose to be defending.


54 Comments on West Point Communist Twitter Troll Being Investigated




  2. Who took the picture? He’s likely not the only left wing cocksucker graduating from a service academy. The Obama years fucked up our military but good. Communists are committed to the overthrow of the US and its constitution, therefore, they cannot be telling the truth when they take an oath to defend the US and its constitution.

  3. He’ll get what he wants….released from the ARMY, being gay or transvestite wouldn’t get the job done anymore.
    Will the Progressive/Socialist/Marxist Democrats protest his dismissal?

    Leavenworth first for a few years and make him pay for his education at west point.

  4. As a parent who is in process of seeking an appointment for my daughter DO YOU KNOW the incredibly high qualifications you have meet and go thru to graduate from these academies? And rightly so if you figure the cost at least $50-75 a year tuition let alone the rest of it.

    And then to see a moronic ungrateful shit like this who kept another out. He should pay it back in student loans for the rest of his shit-burger life.

  5. Unfortunately, I believe this is a product of obola’s administration. I think many of you are correct…how many more of these asshats are getting a free education as they promote the exact opposite of what this country stands for? Is this PC environment fostering more Hasa types?

  6. On the other hand, demote him to a permanent rank of e-1. Let him do every crappy enlisted job. Make him wear a gps so they always know where he is. Mess Hall duty for a year, guard duty for a year. Make his like uncomfortable as possible.

  7. one commenter posted this. . .
    ronfromflorida • 17 minutes ago
    In the past, violations of the Honor Code have been dealt with harshly. How harshly? Consider the following:

    1) Rank reduced to Private 1st Class
    2) Term of military service remains same as contracted at Academy
    3) Billed for cost of Academy training (~$427,000) to US Gov’t
    4) Forfeiture of Class Ring (which the student buys, but is confiscated)

    You may be a West Point Grad, but you have no rank, and no ring to show for
    it. You owe ~$427K student debt, and are obligated to ~6 years as an
    enlisted soldier at the lowest rank, at the most undesirable location

    He stole a very valued position, that another student could have had. Plus, it sends a VERY CLEAR message to others who may contemplate the same actions.

  8. Inhave a friend, very conservative, whose son is at West Point. He shocked the family when he came home as a Berniebro. Then, when Hillary cheated Bernie, he said she would make a fine CinC. He goes on retreats with other like-minded cadets, and he recently came out of the closet. Said he’s known since he was fifteen when he was at a private military academy. Now I’m wondering if the gayness was a big factor in him getting an appointment. I smell rot.

  9. Couple of things.

    1) Don’t rule out that West Point has been infiltrated by Leftists promoted under Obama.

    2) The dad did not disown the son. Just his political views.

    3) Would you rather be in a foxhole with an atheist or a communist?

  10. since this asshole is prior service, he may have gotten the appointment from his CO, not from some idiot politician. But we should demand to know who signed off on the appointment, because that person’s judgement is severely fuxated and requires a massive tune-up. 2nd Lt Asshole’s known teachers and comrades need to be thoroughly vetted too.

    As the son, nephew and cousin of Canoe U grads and uncle to a US Army sergeant serving in Afganistan right now, this kind of shit infuriates me.

  11. If he applies for the sex change now, maybe the media can get onboard.

    We know how they hate Russians and commie symps by proxy. LOL.

    I guess there is one under every bed. Go get him, CNN

  12. Introduce him to the UCMJ.

    Leavenworth. General population.
    I give him 2 weeks until an “exercise accident” puts an end to him.

    Infiltration like this should carry the death penalty.

    And in ANY of his Commie countries, his social media postings alone would cost him his life, all his family’s lives out to the distant 6th cousins, and half the WP faculty would disappear in an overnight Purge.
    Imagine how Putin or Xi would deal with this. Or Kim.

  13. One more thing, they really need to investigate people he promoted, reprimanded or died while under any authority he was given.

    A commie ideologue could have killed a patriot’ s career or literally. Likewise in promoting other fifth columnists.

    Any comrade of his should be guilty until proven not guilty yet.

  14. As an EM he swore to defend
    and uphold the Constitution.
    That one’s for life. As a new
    Cadet under the Code Of Honor,
    he swore not to lie or deceive.
    As a communist he broke both.
    That punk is in deep kimchi.

  15. When you can allow a guy named Nidal Hassan, whose name is a synomym for jihad to serve in the US military, then anything is possible….

    Even taking four years to find him guilty of murder

    Even letting him live another four years after sentencing him to death

  16. Almost humorous these Book-of-face links are useless to us that actually boycott it. They require singing in. Don’t know about RoslindJ’s, It’s either broken or missing already only one hour later.

    Book-of-Face links value today so far = 0.

    I am looking forward to the demise of his young military career and should pay back all monies spent on him by the Govt he deceived. I’m thinking public execution would go a long way for preventing future assholes trying the same thing.

  17. Sorry, Dadof4. Try using the link without the ‘s’, like so: http://www.facebook.com/subcomandante.peppino

    I’m signed it, which is probably why it rendered the secure https. You should be able to view it with the plain http and have to scroll past the fb ‘sign in please’ splash. Nothing really interesting, aside from your garden variety idjit doing his cultural terraforming best. Some people have found the open posts and are making remarks. I believe Bad Brad’s link to his father’s page now points to a deactivated account. I know I would deactivate mine.

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