Hugh Hefner Dead – IOTW Report

Hugh Hefner Dead

‘Playboy’ founder Hugh Hefner dead at 91.

 (UPI)  Hugh Hefner, the businessman who launched Playboymagazine and its subsequent business empire, has died at the age of 91, the company has confirmed.

Playboy announced his death Wednesday in a post to its Twitter account, along with a photo of Hefner and a quote of his: “Life is too short to be living someone else’s dream.”

35 Comments on Hugh Hefner Dead

  1. No more babes hanging on to him. See, no matter who you are, how much money or fame you have, we all have a date with the grim reaper. McCain isn’t too far behind Hugh, so be it. I’m looking more forward to McCains death though. Hugh was a business man, McCain lived off the taxpayer. I’ve got more respect for Hugh Hefner.

  2. Too damn bad. In the 60’s he was the epitomy of cool, did a lot for civil rights, made James Bond the icon for the decade etc. My older brother went out and got himself a Playboy Card and dressed himself (as well as he could afford to) by what Playboy and Johnny Carson said. RIP Mr. Hefner and thanks for the memories.

  3. The Playboy Clubs in NYC and LA in the 70s were a lot of fun.
    Hef did a lot for Ian Fleming’s career, and the Bond franchise.
    Daughter Christie took over the business, hired a bunch of metrosexuals and fags, and generally ran it all into the ground.

    Thanks and RIP, Mr. Hefner.

  4. RIP

    Well, they WERE good articles … never looked at the pictures, y’know … not much … somewhat …

    He certainly contributed to the moral degeneracy of humankind, but I guess he’ll get a pass – seein as we gotz us a pervert Pope, and all …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. This morning at breakfast, Hef met Marilyn Monroe for the first time in person. He said, “You know, doll, we’re going to be cryptmates.” At that point, a jealousy
    fight broke out between two Kennedy brothers. It was finally broken up by actor Peter Lawford. There are a lot of hard feelings down here. 👿

  6. This pampered old pervert lived 91 years. Harry Reid, George Soros, and their ilk live on and on and on, and a good man like Andrew Breitbart gets what, 43 years? Evil pays, and pays well.

  7. I pray God doesn’t hold him partially responsible for the souls of all those young women who ended up in porn.
    as well as the pederasty that now grips the souls of those in power in dc.

  8. Hef’s first wife cheated on him wile he was in the Army before they were married in 1949. They divorced in 1959. It was 30 years before he married again.

    Who knows whether he would have started PLAYBOY in 1953 without the pain of his first wife’s wedding day confession.

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