The Sun Rises and Sets, and Leftists Lie, Every Day – IOTW Report

The Sun Rises and Sets, and Leftists Lie, Every Day

Nolte, at Breitbart, with a spot on angle on this story.

Whether it is gay marriage, transgenderism, health care, or the these appalling national anthem protests, phase one of the left’s fascist propaganda campaign always begins in this way… Hey, just let us do our thing. We are not bothering you. No one is hurting you. We are just expressing ourselves. What do you care? Let us live our lives.

Again and again, though, history informs us that this is nothing more than a ruse, a con, a hustle, a lie—because it never, ever ends there.

Nope, before you know it, the whole idea of live and let live is no longer good enough for the left; before you know it, these worms turn and all of a sudden we are being put out of business for not participating in gay marriages, our daughters are forced to pee next to mentally ill men wearing a skirt, the government is mandating us to buy overpriced health insurance, and sportswriters are shaming and bullying black athletes who refuse to disrespect the American flag.

Yes, that is now happening.

Over at Yahoo, Greg Wyshynski is a sportswriter who covers hockey, and someone who only sees racial bogeymen behind those of us disgusted with crybaby, millionaire athletes openly disrespecting the American flag.


16 Comments on The Sun Rises and Sets, and Leftists Lie, Every Day

  1. To be fair I must confess that whenever I’m faced with an existential quandary I seek moral and spiritual guidance from a girlfriend beating, low IQ, brain damaged ball player named Dindu.

    Then I do the opposite.

  2. If we thought like the left and employed the same tactics, we would have knelt for every national anthem during the 8 disastrous years of Obama.

    But, thank God, we are not mentally defunct.

  3. HOCKEY….Where Russians, Americans, Canadians, Poles, Czechs, Swedes, Norsk all stand for the American anthem, and the French anthem….NASCAR….Where they always turn left but stand up for the American anthem….

  4. @Dianny
    Won’t swear to it, but I believe it was Will Rogers that said;
    “The only thing a nonconformist hates more than a conformist, is a nonconformist that does not abide by the prevailing standards of nonconformity.”

  5. The word for today is “hudna”…

    “Hudna: a tactical pause intended only for rearmament, a temporary respite in the war between Islamic forces and non-Islamic forces. The authoritative Islamic Encyclopedia (London, 1922) defines hudna as a “temporary treaty” which can be approved or abrogated by Islamic religious leaders, depending on whether or not it serves the interests of Islam; a hudna cannot last for more than 10 years.”

    Used in a sentence:

    ” After the last confederate battle flag was taken down, leftists declared a hudna.

  6. There is a war being fought between Good and Evil. It started when Lucifer took offense at God’s existence. Lucifer had never met Him and simply couldn’t endure the fact of His existence. After his fall, he lied to men; convincing them that neither he nor God exists, thus rending them from Grace and Redemption and ushering in an era of Nihilistic Progressive Socialistic Totalitarianism.
    Ignorant, rich, maggot, thug ball players are being used in the effort.
    No one has asked them (to my knowledge) what “justice” (social or otherwise) would be served by a cop allowing himself to be murdered by some parasitic drug-dealing, worthless, piece of shit, ghetto-rat?
    I realize that most (or a lot) of professional ball-players are drug users and have affinities for their dealers, but even that shouldn’t blind them to the fact that drug-use is illegal and the cops DO have an obligation to enforce the laws legitimately passed by the Legislatures of the several States and signed by the relevant executives?

    And yes the whole smoke-Nazi movement started with “Do you mind if I smoke?”

    The Satanic, Nihilistic, Socialistic Totalitarians won’t stop until every vestige of Freedom and Liberty is extinguished.

    Perversion has crept from the confines of the closet to the town square, where now CA is drowning in a sea of STDs.

    izlamo delenda est …

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