‘Decapitated body’ is really Halloween decoration, Tennessee police say – IOTW Report

‘Decapitated body’ is really Halloween decoration, Tennessee police say

How did he get his bloody hands on door AFTER the garage door took his head off?

(I watch too much Forensic Files.)



20 Comments on ‘Decapitated body’ is really Halloween decoration, Tennessee police say

  1. It’s that time of year again folks.

    Garbage will be dressed up to look like corpses. They will be hanging out of cars. People will be APPROPRIATING CULTURE’S!!!

    Halloween is almost upon us.

    All kinds of menacing shenanigans will take place, to make the special snotflakes in your neighborhood have need of fainting couches and emergency pacifiers. Then they will DEMAND that Halloween be cancelled…’cause it’s racist(sniff…feelings)!

    (Of course they will NOT have the same reaction to ‘satanic rituals’ that take place in their schools.)

    BEAT THE CROWDS! Laugh out loud now (while you dare)!

  2. @joe6pack

    Unfortunately you may be right. This could be a very real scenario in today’s US.

    We’re just NOT allowed to have fun anymore. And that’s by design from Soros Inc. and Hillary the Queen of Warts.

  3. Every Halloween I hang a dummy by its fake hands from my gutter and leave a ladder lying on the ground below. It looks very convincing from the street, like I lost my ladder while cleaning the gutters. Many people have stopped their cars and ran up to my house. Some have said not-so-kind words.

  4. I live in a community of over achievers. They would have had motorized the legs with them flopping around. These people plan all year for Halloween. Its freaken crazy. And it’s the start of duck season.

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