Havva Guhwon… – IOTW Report

Havva Guhwon…

Havva guhwon. (Sometimes the “guh” part sounds like there’s a subtle, guttural,”t” at the end of it.)

This seems to be the predominant “polite” send off customer service people give you in South Florida. From banks, to fast food, to grocery stores, to mechanics, to nurses, even doctors, “havva guhwon” is all you hear all day.

Occasionally I’m told to have a “great one,” which makes the possibilities for the rest of the day seem exciting! But mostly I’m only entitled to a “good” one.

There’s a girl at the Publix that tells me to “have a wonderful day,” but she seems high on some sort of goofball. She really gets in your aura and would probably be sincerely upset if you told her the next day that yesterday wasn’t wonderful. (She could be a meme.)

But, somehow, South Florida has had a meeting and they’ve all agreed that “havva guhwon” is what they will all say.

It’s disturbing.

What’s the usual send off in your area?

35 Comments on Havva Guhwon…

  1. Must be the Bavarian influence in Florida, Fur.
    High German is “guten Appetit,” but
    in the hills, it’s, “a Guad’n.” (uh GWUD-nn)

    I wonder what it is in NYC these days.
    In Chicago, it’s probably, “bang! BANG!”
    Oh, those wacky Lefties.

  2. At the MdDonald’s near me there are two ladies at the drive-thru who say the same thing, day in and day out: 1) Hava gudday (in perkyspeak), and 2) ThankyousoMAAAAAAAACH!, both uber annoying.
    What happened to “Thank you, please come again”?

  3. I get weird looks when using “howdy” for a greeting.

    It’s natural for me, disturbing for about 20% of the people.

    Those that don’t say a word at all really piss me off. Not even an “eh.” really? I just said ‘good morning’ and you can’t even so much as give a nod or an utterance?

    Whatever. My pitty was off leash the other day passing a fat cow on the trail. She says, “that doesn’t make me comfortable.” I said, “I’m not here to comfort you.” What does she expect, 20 pounds dropped on a quarter mile walk? The dog accelerating her heart rate would only help. smh, liberals dripping from the trees.

  4. In Californication, after every question I answer to some millenial, the response is always “Perfect!”. I feel like saying sometimes, “no its not perfect, it just the way it is”.

  5. Around here, it’s “Have a wonderful day/weekend/holiday/whatever”, or (even worse) have a blessed day.

    Blessed by who or what, I always wonder.

    I usually mumble “You too” or something insipid, but occasionally I’ll get a pained look on my face and in an aggravated tone, I’ll respond, “Well, O.K. – if I have to.”


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