Fun to Eat, Fun to Shoot – IOTW Report

Fun to Eat, Fun to Shoot

How Bud Dwyer got started.

ht/ fdr in hell

18 Comments on Fun to Eat, Fun to Shoot

  1. I’m still debating with myself if I’m going to buy my daughter a pink AR-15 when she’s the appropriate age. I know the wife would giggle with fun also (after she chews my ass for spending the money on it).

    She loves and is doing well in Aikido class, and that makes me happy!!!!

  2. @reboot:
    My daughter hunts with both a crossbow and a “Muddy Girl .243 Savage” and loves it.

    Muddy Girl line is a good way to go. — After al the appropriate classes and tests are passed, of course.

    I had the Pez gun when I was a kid along with the “Doctari” (SP?) Big Game Hunter’s gear.

  3. Hans, I do. The writer Alan Caillou was one of my dearest friends.
    The lion was set to be put down and Alan wrote the movie to prevent it and give the lion a job

  4. We had little ceramic elephants that came with wax cigarettes to light up and insert into their mouths. Sold at the corner grocery store’s toy section for a quarter. Very cute.

  5. Ragheads teach their sons to cut the heads off their enemies.
    We teach our sons to suck dicks and that izlam is the “religion of peace.”

    It won’t end well. The re-learning curve (of Truth) will be steep.

    We will triumph, of course, but there will be great wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I got what i remember as the “Great White Hunter” out fit for Christmas, a Daktari toyset. It had a pith helmet, gun and holster, a whip, and a big gun.

    Quite delux and the only gift I got that year – proceeded to go on safari (in the woods near my house) and actually did get bit by a copperhead. Almost died (why I hate snakes now) but afterward had the time of my life with those toys. Led to me getting a little 22 single shot rifle (22 shorts was all I allowed to have) and then the dog and I went serious squirrel hunting.

  7. Bogopoofter, that was great ad with Kurt Russell and William Conrad (old time radios Marshall Dillon on Gunsmoke and Rocky and Bullwinkle narrator)narrating the commercial. Did anyone besides me have the Mattel Fanner 50 pistol and belt with plastic bullets and Greenie stick em caps. Fun times were had by all us kids back then and none of us ended up really killing one another.

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