Marsha Blackburn Running For Senate in Tennessee – IOTW Report

Marsha Blackburn Running For Senate in Tennessee

Her Conservative Review rating is not so high- 78%.

It’s rare that a woman politician doesn’t fall prey to “meh feelings” voting.

This video talks the talk, but I remain cautiously optimistic.

Of course we will support her bid, but we can always do better.

At least she has name recognition.

18 Comments on Marsha Blackburn Running For Senate in Tennessee

  1. I lover her (met her) but she’s another career politician. A lot of talk.
    Just recently met Congressman Louie Gohmert – another talker as was Ted Cruz when I met him.
    THANK GOD for DONALD TRUMP. If anything, he’s just showing how corrupt and full of shit our politicians are. And that’s why they want him out, so they can go back to business as usual. #DrainTheSwamp

  2. I share your skepticism BFH. “I shoot skeet”.
    Looking at her hair and makeup the claim sounds and looks ridiculous on it’s face. It’s a plus that her husband most likely does though. That is a good indication of her leanings at least.

  3. I’ve given up on “fine-tooth-combing” candidates for
    *anything* resembling “purity” these days…

    [and Conservative Review (weren’t they on CruzControl last year?) isn’t the be-all and end-all, just another voice]

    …my only criteria (admittedly in part due to exasperation) is:
    will they support the Trump agenda?

    To paraphrase Clint/Dirty Harry: “Well, will she, punk?”

  4. Is she squishy on illegals? There was something that bugged me about her but I can’t place what it was right now. I can deal with an 80%er, but that depends on what the 20% of her damn problems are. LOL.

  5. Vixen, I don’t know her like TN people do, but I do know:
    The Perfect Is The Enemy Of The Good.

    It’s what got Governor Terry “I Love Hillary” McAuliffe elected…
    …because Cuccinelli wasn’t “conservative enough”…and whether he was or not, he would have kept out the monster who gave votes back to enough felons to throw Virginia to the Dems in 2016.

    Please keep that in mind.

  6. Well, cuccinelli also got wrapped up in that whole McDonnell gift gate mess. Cooch didn’t receive much, but he wasn’t as pure as we thought he was.

    That whole thing caused questions of integrity which was just the tiny opening that the dems needed to sweep.

    And what a mess they’ve made.

    Wish our candidate wasn’t Mr Milquetoast though.

  7. Czar. You’re right that you don’t know Marsha like we Tennesseans do. One of my children works for the campaign of a GOP gubernatorial candidate here (not a volunteer, a paid employee) and is married to an Assistant Commissioner in one of our State’s Departments under Governor Haslam. Our family talks politics– a LOT– especially since both of these family members are privy to a great deal of information. Honestly, I hope others besides Haslam and Blackburn decide to run. I don’t trust either to support our President.

  8. Not just no but FUCK NO. She is a psychotic horse abuser. NO! I would vote for a fucking dem before I would vote for that evil cunt. NO! Thank God I don’t live there. NO!

  9. FWIW, CR- NeverTrumper Mark Levin.

    MB states she supports Trumps “immigration ban” and courage comes in both “genders”. Is there a proposed immigration ban?

    Talking points are old worn out white noise. My representative has been in office for for 5 terms. He votes the right way, which I suppose counts for something, but he’s never done a
    damn thing to effect any change to D.C. Never introduced 1 bill. In fact he never bothers to campaign anymore as it’s a given he’s a shoe in, another typical fed govt employee collecting graft, producing nothing.

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