Pretty Damn Depressed After What I Just Watched – IOTW Report

Pretty Damn Depressed After What I Just Watched

It took a few days to work up the nerve to go to some of the type of sites that do not censor their content and see what they had on the Mandalay Bay terror attack.

Everything on Youtube is sanitized to the point of being left with the impression that no carnage actually happened. Now, please believe me, I don’t thrive on gore, I don’t like it. I didn’t go for gratuitous gore. I did it because in a couple of days I’m going to start getting links to stories that say Mandalay Bay never happened, I want to be able to dump those links in the garbage as soon as they show up.

There was a video taken by a guy who was running through the lot, approaching victims and checking them for a pulse. Most of the people he went to were gone.

He found three people that were shot in the head that looked mortally wounded, but they were still alive.

This hero would stand up calling for EMTs, “Medic! We have someone alive over here!!”

He would corral someone with medical training and off he was to the next victim in search of someone alive.

He stumbled upon a woman holding a man’s head. She told him the victim had a through and through wound through the temples. She was holding her fingers in the wound. The man was alive.

This is where the story gets infuriating.

Out of nowhere the lights on the field go off. The man is yelling, “what is going on??? Turn the lights back on!!!”

He runs into a cop and asks them why the lights went off. The cop says, “for security reasons.”

The young man, the hero, says, “but we have people who need help out there.”

The cop says, “anyone who is out there is deceased.”

The hero screams, “no way. Put them back on. I’m finding people alive. If you know how to put those lights back on, PUT THEM ON!”

The cop asks him who he is.

He says, “my mother’s a nurse, I know what I’m doing… there are people alive out there.”

The video ends with the lights never having been put back on.

After 9/11 they were searching for bodies under the rubble for days.


I’m not linking to the video because the site it’s on is horrible.

For those with the inclination, the site rhymes with

36 Comments on Pretty Damn Depressed After What I Just Watched

  1. After Bataclan, I can’t look, but I believe that erasing the truth will happen. I sometimes imagine that Hell will be like these terrible mass murders where there is chaos, the smell of death, but only taunting and jeering and hopelessness and no comfort, no prayers, no one to hold one’s hand. Golly, sounds like I’m describing the response from the Left; those soulless ghouls who celebrated or were glad.

    It’s a terrible thing when you find yourself weighing out which is worse: being killed outright or experiencing being run over by a truck. I will be forever haunted by the sheer numbers of people killed in Nice and, especially, the number of children. And I will never forget the sight of people, some holding hands, as they plummeted long enough to be aware for too long a time, of their certain death. They had to make a choice of how they died since there were no options left to them to live. I thank God every day that He is.

  2. Maybe I didn’t set the scene right.
    This was after everyone who could walk was out of the festival grounds.
    Paddock hadn’t shot a round off in a very long time.
    All that was out there were bodies lying on the ground and a few scattered people crying, kneeling with loved ones.

  3. MJA

    Yea exactly. We are not having close to a logical discussion about what happened. A very bad event that’s even turning military people against one another. In reality the people that have remained the most consistent and the strongest during this event were the Trump supporting crowd that was THERE. What the fuck does rhyme with? Just spit it out.

  4. Vegas was the deed of Darkness. The Nation was being protected by law enforcement of the gruesome carnage and slaughter.

    Light brings the truth and reality of the situation. Law enforcement keeps most tragedies in the dark, kinda like FBI’s investigation of Hillary, AFT Gun Running,Benghazi, Bergdahl, pay to play, Iran Nuclear deal, IRS Scandles and the clinton foundation.

    It appears the government prefers darkness over light.

  5. BFH. Your point about links claiming that MB didn’t happen is correct. I’ve already seen 2 sites that are making that claim. So sites that show EVERYTHING may have done so for gratuitous reasons, but they show proof forever that this evil bastard did in fact commit an act of pure barbarism. The tin-foil hat crowd will have will still say this never happened, but it will fall on deaf ears.
    At the end of WWII as the Allies were liberating the Concentration Camps, Eisenhower ordered all combat photographers in area to the camps. He ordered that as much film be used as possible so that future generations could not deny what happened. And still we have deniers.

  6. I am horrified and sorrowed to think on the LV massacre. I don’t want to visit the site. I never watched the 911 jumpers, either — the thought of their tragedy tore my heart.

    My young cousin was asked if he had watched the dressing out of the deer. He wisely responded that no, he didn’t want that picture in his mind.

  7. F4
    Every damn crisis that happens there is a crowd that will tell you it didn’t really happen, that it was staged, or the official story isn’t what we’re being told.

    We live in a pretty damn great world, where no tragedies ever happen.

    Why are we messing it up with fake tragedies? THIS IS UTOPIA!!!
    Why false flag shooting events in order to take our guns away? No one is shooting anyone, only the crisis actors are shooting, or faking shootings.
    Do away with them and this is virtually Shangra-la-di-da Valley.

  8. They still had to get to the hospital within the golden hour. Ain’t going to happen.
    I was hoping a doctor would come forward and explain what a hunting rifle round does
    to a person. Blood loss is extreme. Your insides are shredded.

  9. Bestgore. I stumbled on that place a couple years ago. Once. Fuck them. I’ll go watch reruns of the young man with a bullet wound in his leg that stood for President Trump. Hannity had his parents on tonight. Trump Freaks. Loved it. This tragedy will strengthen the silent majority. What a waste of quality people.

  10. I think I figured it out, but I can’t force myself to go a page like that before bed.
    Brad if I’m right think Gore.

    BFH I don’t get people who say it didn’t happen. Do people honestly think you can get that many people to put on an act? I understand not trusting the government, honestly I do, but I don’t believe even the government could pull that off.
    However, I expect you to get that as it’s everywhere online.

  11. ORWW –

    I posted the name of the site earlier. Bad Brad can scroll up.

    The worst of the worst are the 9/11 truthers, and I will not ever forgive those, like Alex Jones, who participate in this assholishness.
    Like you said, it’s one thing to distrust the government, it’s an entirely different thing when you suggest the people who died at the pentagon are still alive, having been whisked away to a private location, forever turning their backs on their friends and families.

    Rot in hell you assholes.

    It’s one thing to erect a healthy skepticism, it’s quite another to go through mental gymnastics and fantastic flights of fancy to explain a theory that you’ve started with. A theory where nothing at all can shake you of these beliefs, even if it means indicting innocent people and pissing on the graves of the dead.
    They casually turn victims into the perpetrators.

    I mean it.

  12. Of course it actually happened, the lone shooter explanation though is a complete fabrication. Anyone with experience around firearms can CLEARLY HEAR at least two different weapons of different calibers being fired simultaneously from two different locations. Yes some of the shots echoed off of the buildings but this is distinctly different. It’s not a theory that can be debated, but a horrible and highly disturbing fact which discredits the official story. Take from that what you will…

  13. I saw that vid a day or 2 ago somewhere else.
    My impression of “why” the lights were off and stayed off:
    when the shooting started, some stagehand wanted to be “helpful” and put lights on the crowd, in hopes they could find their way out easier.
    But someone finally got to him and said, “shut them off, you moron, you’re just lighting up the people as targets for the shooter.”
    At which time he did, and kept them off (or, things got out of control and he just left).

    Just a guess.

  14. My working theory: The LV slaughter was a Fast and Furious-like sting operation gone awry. Paddock was supposed to sell guns to the US-ISIS. (You don’t need a zillion guns to slaughter lots and lots of people…. …..only a zillion rounds of ammo.)

    US-ISIS found out, killed the patsy and carried out a massacre. Ergo: they claim credit.

    DC-based HQ of the FBI has shut down any investigation of multiple shooters. Authorities are writing the official story right now. Question it and you will be demonized…

    So. You think 9/11 “truthers” are nuts, eh, Fur? You really believe those two buildings were brought down by a couple of planes? Hahahahahaha. Read, and think. ….Lady in Red

  15. I’ll be the first to say, I may be wrong but I have questions that aren’t getting answered about 9/11. How does building 7 drop like a rock when it was essentially sprayed with debris?

    Because there’s such an obvious link with MB to a political agenda (anti 2A), honest skepticism should be the duty of every citizen.

    When people dismiss the claims of a second shooter, ask them, ‘why would you ignore evidence?’ If you don’t go along with the ‘official story’ because of the facts, you get called a name and not taken seriously. I’m not saying that happens here on IOTW.

    It’s ridiculous that in the first 48 hours we have definitive statements that isis isn’t involved. Well, thanks for solving that one for us then. Good job.


    The investigation needs to simply seek truth, and not try to shield anybody or any group from whatever really happened.

  16. “…I have questions that aren’t getting answered about 9/11. How does building 7 drop like a rock when it was essentially sprayed with debris?” ~ Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold

    “The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7 following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. “Our take-home message today is that the reason for the collapse of World Trade Center 7 is no longer a mystery,” NIST lead investigator Shyam Sunder told journalists at this morning’s press conference in Gaithersburg, Md. “WTC 7 collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings. It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires.” ~

  17. I’ll read that article, geofraz. However, I don’t know of any other building going down like that from burning. You’d think such a catastrophic fire would be evident in the footage. I’ll look into that as well.

    That being said, never underestimate what a powerful elite might be willing to do in order to enslave the masses. If I go to the wrong neighborhood, there are bad guys who wouldn’t give a second thought to shoving a knife in my chest for the $60 in my wallet. We’re normal people here, and consider life is precious. Not everyone is normal. Just like predators who seek positions where they can access their victims, the craven, power-mad psychos of this world may be attracted to positions of political power.

    Not saying I have the answers, but the ones I’ve gotten so far don’t have me convinced about the official 9/11 story.

  18. I cant fully explain why Building 7 collapsed but I would ask this: If you wanted to stampede the nation into a war in the Middle East, wouldn’t killing 3000 Americans and causing two of the tallest buildings in the world to collapse, all in the space of 90 minutes, be enough? Especially when you follow up with a hit on the Pentagon that kills about 200.

    How does blowing Building 7 some seven hours later with no one inside help your case? How much did that add to anyone’s sense of shock and outrage? How many people went, “Well, I can blow off the 3000 dead and the collapse of the two towers, but why couldn’t those bastards just leave Building 7 alone. That’s the game changer for me!!”

    Absolutely no one, that’s how many

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