Canadian Reparations To Indigenous People – IOTW Report

Canadian Reparations To Indigenous People

This is going to get ugly.

School records? What school records?-
A new citizenship oath pledges “observe treaties” with Indigenous peoples.-


13 Comments on Canadian Reparations To Indigenous People

  1. This kind of scheme won’t even be discussed under a Trump admin. “Indigenous Peoples” sounds so noble until you realize that all land and wealth acquisition among these so-called indigenous-ers came at the expense of other so-called indigenous people. Will the Sioux, for example, then make reparations to the tribes they wiped out in order to occupy their lands? Or should the U.S. start by “giving” the desert southwest and California “back” to the Mexicans? But it wasn’t the Mexicans, exactly, right? Do we give it all back to Spain, who then gives it to the Mexicans? Just know one thing: If there is any giving to be done, there will be a Democrat congressman receiving a brokerage fee.

  2. Trudeau and his Liberals are going to be out in the next election (and possible reduced to third party status) and once the conservative party start their attack ads that actually tell the truth about what the Libs are planning canadians of all stripes will have no problem reversing most of their legislation. This sort of crap is a “hail mary pass” trying to play on the guilt Canadians have had built into them since their birth.

  3. I am Canadian and when I heard this on Thursday, I thought to myself “Why the Face?” The Canadian national debt is over 600 Billion dollars, where are they getting the money for this pay-out. I am so totally fed up with my taxes being “wasted” on crap like this!

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