Another Oddity in Paddock Case – IOTW Report

Another Oddity in Paddock Case

There’s always something…

Las Vegas shooting cops find charger that DOESN’T match Stephen Paddock’s phone in hotel room.

COPS probing the Las Vegas concert massacre have found a mystery charger in Stephen Paddock’s hotel room that doesn’t match any of his phones.

The discovery has prompted detectives to question whether anyone else stayed with Paddock in the Mandalay Bay hotel in the days before the slaughter.


26 Comments on Another Oddity in Paddock Case

  1. What’s the chance of Jeff Sessions taking the bull by the horns and forcing a first class investigation that not only gets to the bottom of this, but provides full disclosure so that the Amercan citizen knows what the hell happened. I know, cold day in hell.

  2. I’m with you Brad. Once you hear it, you don’t forget it.

    As for the charger. I used to have friends that were hotel room cleaners. They prided themselves for the amount of crap they were able to find when they had room turnovers. After a certain period they were allowed to keep the things they found. For food stuffs and drinks they took it home the same day.

    An electronic device left behind or missed? Not a chance in hell.

  3. And it’s official. Drudge no longer has this story at the top. Seems the mild-mannered hurricane Nate is far for urgent.

    So, down the Memory Hole with the Las Vegas massacre. That was so long ago – are we still talking about this?

    People, this thing stinks on ice! Investigate, voice your opinion, and speak up if you have questions. If somebody wants to call you a conspiracy nut, that’s their problem, not yours. The freedom you save might be your own.

  4. BTW, I may differ with BFH somewhat on the validity of various consiracy theories, but I definitely appreciate the good work he’s done overall, and in posting articles like this one.

  5. There are lots of strange things surrounding this. MGM owns Mandalay Bay. MGM CEO James Murren sold 294,150 shares in September. This guy also sent out memos to all of his employees to donate to CAIR and other American hating groups and they would match all donations. He hates Trump and made a big deal about how as a lifetime republican for the first time he would vote for the democrat candidate, Hillary, for the country.
    Four Seasons is a separate hotel on upper floors in Mandalay Bay, a Saudi Prince owns almost 50% of Four Seasons Hotels. A Saudi Prince who called Trump a disgrace to America before the election.

    Now this:
    A former Trump campaign official has leaked information from within the White House that Las Vegas massacre gunman Stephen Paddock made an ISIS propaganda tape.

  6. In an effort to help Weinstein get his career back:

    1. The charger belongs to the person who shot Paddock, then snuck out of the room.

    2. Even better: The security guard is the accomplice who shot Paddock, and his gunshot wound is self-inflicted.

  7. Brad was skeptical right from the start. I have a friend who is a weapons expert and he also says this is not adding up.
    It’s reminds me of a art expert saying a famous painting isn’t correct, its not adding up. it’s a forgery.

  8. @curious
    Always Always keep an eye on the Feds at these pressors, & this SA has a
    laser on the sheriffs.
    Can’t remember the head LV sheriff’s name, but I trust him more than the under sheriff & believe he wants to divulge more I think he strayed too far off the reservation a few pressors ago and FBI quickly took over the podium.

    But don’t worry, those “Know Something, Say Something” billboards are gonna blow this case wide open. ~snort~

  9. You know, if I was Paddock and I was acting alone, I’d be sure to bring 2 or 3 things that clearly belonged to other people and leave them around the room, just to mess with people’s heads.

    But he probably wouldn’t be sneaky enough to do that.

    Would he?


  10. Brad, Could it be possible he was using a bump fire stock on an AR-10? The M240 and AR-10 use the same cartridge and I know for a fact the BCG on my .308 weighs almost 2x what my AR-15 BCGs weigh. The additional weight of the BCG would slow the cycle? As far as I know, outside of the length of the extension tube, AR-10 and AR-15 stocks are interchangeable and Slide Fire makes a bump fire stock for the .308.

  11. @Bad Brad

    I fired a belt feed mg in a little place west of here a few years back – and I’m gonna (not that I’m an expert) say I agree with you -it sounds like what I’d call in “laymans terms “the ebb and flow” as you move, depress, and move again to spread your fire.” I remember it being very very tiring. It also allows for max targeting.

    I will shut up and let the pros talk.

  12. I have to laugh when I hear it reported on CBS “News” that “…we still don’t know what the motive could be.”
    Of course, an islamic terrorist could be screaming “allahu akbhar!” at the top of his lungs and CBS still wouldn’t know what the motive was.

  13. Forget the charger…the pic you posted with this article. Is it from the scene???? If so, something is out of whack with the time line. Spent clean rifle casings on TOP of the blood????? Should be the other way around and casings soiled with blood.

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