The Talking Dead – IOTW Report

The Talking Dead


In a speech from the Senate Floor on Thursday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) suggested that if the dead could talk they would urge President Trump to break with the NRA.

Schumer referenced inaction on gun control in his exhortation, saying, “[Those people] who were killed and are now in heaven, they would say, ‘do something.’ They wouldn’t say, ‘Let’ wait.’”

He added, “President Trump, are you going to wait to hear what the NRA says first?”


13 Comments on The Talking Dead

  1. Schumer sounded like he was sleep walking, during that speech. Not an ounce of inflection as he read the Leftist Script. He was almost slurring words and moaning like a “Walking Dead”.

    We need warnings when we are entering into the ZOMBIE ZONE, if a leftist zombie tries speaking.

  2. If which dead could talk? The 6 million who died under the heel of Nazi Germany. The 50 Million who Died during Stalin’s Purges. Or the 100 Million or so who died under the rule of Chairman Mao or is he only speaking the politically expedient recently deceased.

    Learn your history Chuck. The price of your ignorance is incredibly high.

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