Anyone Else See The Complete Irony In This? – IOTW Report

Anyone Else See The Complete Irony In This?

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20 Comments on Anyone Else See The Complete Irony In This?

  1. I can’t stop but ask– whats wrong with that picture?
    should i laugh-cry or puck?
    come and get me Lord i’m all alone here anyway and got nothing to keep me here any longer. 🙂 you folks have a great day.
    I’m just pass’n thru here any way…..

  2. Inshallah, that woman can’t get on the plane. She’s not wearing a bomb.

    Here, take mine.

    Abolish the Department of Homeland Security. It never should have been created in the first place. If anyone tries to hijack your plane, assume they are going to kill everyone regardless and join together to murder them where they stand.

    There, I just save the taxpayers the $800 billion dollars that DHS has received since 9/11.

  3. Less than a month after the 9/11 atracks, I had flown home to Michigan for my niece’s wedding. When I was leaving Detroit Metro, I was pulled from the line and “wanded” by a Muslim female. To visualize–I am a middle aged teacher. I was wearing a navy blue cardigan complete with US flag pin, mom jeans, penny loafers–and I asked, point blank, “Really? I need additional screening?” A$$holes.

  4. I always carry either a bag of pork rinds or a jar of real bacon bits when I fly. Anybody tries to take over my plane will die with a mouthful of PORK, so no 72 virgins for you, punk.

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