Hollywood – bunch of closed circle lying liars – IOTW Report

Hollywood – bunch of closed circle lying liars

Look at Seth McFarlane’s smug smile, thinking he was being very funny when he made a joke, years ago, about Weinstein’s demand that actresses bow at the shrine of his demon dick.

The audience gives a knowing laugh. “Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” go the people who are all about women’s rights.

Sure they are-

18 Comments on Hollywood – bunch of closed circle lying liars

  1. You mean the FREEMASON who was supposed to be on the flight that crashed into the twin towers and “miraculously” didn’t board the flight?

    Wonder how that bit of coincidence happened.

  2. I love how his company is expunging all references to his name in credits and working to change the name of the company. Erasure, soviet style.

    The same people are looking to remove statuary of truly honorable historic figures, soviet style.

    Removing honorable men is proving to be more difficult than erasing this living reprobate.

    Pretty enjoyable to watch.

  3. Of course they all know about this, they all know about the pedophile rings, the drugs, all of it but since they control the methods of communications it takes a pretty big set of balls to get it out there. As much as I hate to say it, well done NYT this will be a Pulitzer that you’ve actually earned. Maybe this will be the push needed for other news organisations to go after the dark part of Hollywood.

  4. I read that Gwyneth Paltrow said he accosted her while she was making Emma. She didn’t tell anyone but Brad Pitt, because she was afraid she would lose her job.
    Way to go girlfriend. Now that you are a has been, and can’t make millions putting up with this crap, it matters.
    I wonder how many others might have been spared over the years, if you had for once opened your gaping maw and said something that mattered.

    Oh, and wasn’t Daddy a Hollywood producer too?

  5. I heard a news-reader stumble badly on the word “mogul” today. Obviously, he’d never seen the word before. Now I’m sure he’s mouthing it like a pro, with all the other news readers whose bosses settled on “movie mogul” as the designated media descriptor for Weinstein. I guess because it conjures up images of a powerful potentate who is above the laws of commoners. Every other industry has CEO’s, Presidents and Chairmen. Not Hollywood. They have Moguls, so a little tyranny and rape is to be expected by the satraps. Maybe even admired by those with situational ethics and no inhibitions.

  6. Over on Breitbart’s Big Hollywood John Nolte is hosting a running tab of new revelations.
    For instance: “Update – 5:24 p.m.: Rose McGowan has seemingly accused Ben Affleck of lying about the extent of his knowledge of the allegations against Weinstein.”

    This is the most entertainment to come out of Hollywood in a very long time.

  7. I’m glad this has come to light, and it’s important for the Right mediasphere to keep up its coverage of this…
    BUT: sooner rather than later, the dial needs to be turned up and a steady drumbeat started on Hollywood’s PEDOPHILIA.

    Harvey’s one guy.
    And sexual harassment is easily talked away, without visual proof.
    But THAT’S political gold, IMHO.

  8. What is it they say, the best jokes are always rooted in the truth. And the laughter along with the actress’s smirk standing next to him confirms the obvious, everyone knew and they all knew what they had to do to get to the top (no pun intended).

  9. It is all of them. Every single one. Otherwise, they wouldn’t got here or make it when they got there.

    Corey Haim killed himself over it. Someone is still paying Feldman over it.

    But Lisa Lampanelli has told exactly one funny joke in her life. It was that Seth MacFarlane is gayer than Ryan Seacrest’s asshole.

  10. Another thing. Rush was saying that the reason that Weinerstein got a pass from liberals was that he was quite the donor to Planned Parenthood.

    Well isn’t that convenient for the Sperminator?

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