Wow, Ben Affleck DOES Qualify To Be A Democrat Politician – IOTW Report

Wow, Ben Affleck DOES Qualify To Be A Democrat Politician

Ben Affleck is being accused of groping, and there’s (sort of) a video of it. The girl is obscured by Affleck for a moment or two, which, if there was a groping, that’s when it would have happened. She does say that he “made that move” on her, and Affleck seems to imply that he did.

Why was this just simply blown off as “Affleck being Affleck” at the time?  MTV ran it like it was all good fun.

Question: Can a girl laugh it up while being mortified and offended? I think they can.

I didn’t forget.

Seriously, thank you for that. I was a kid.

19 Comments on Wow, Ben Affleck DOES Qualify To Be A Democrat Politician

  1. His brother Casey Affleck has several sexual harassment claims, failure to pay living wages, withholding salary from women etc. Will Hollywood women start feeling empowered and if so are there a lot of men keeping a low profile right now?

  2. So what? Her tits and ass are all over the web. This is like a pole dancer complaining that men are staring at her ass. They won’t tell you their real name but for $1 they will show you their butthole.

  3. Well Ben just lost his preaching to the little people license for the next year or so. Don’t be surprised if something else comes up about him. There are so many Pulitzer prizes out there in the hills of Hollywood if there were only some brave reporters and news groups.

  4. And his buddy Matt Damon, along with Russell Crowe, purportedly helped quash a Weinstein story in ’04.

    Hollowood is just as sleazy as we’ve always heard it was. Would be nice to see them brought to their knees. Typical Bastion of the Left.

  5. I admit! I have SEXUALLY HARASSED WOMEN –Many times!

    Do you know what that is REALLY called? It’s called trying to “get some.” And guess what? That’s how I got ALL of my girlfriends, and my wife. At night clubs, theaters, college house parites, drive-in movies (yes, there are some still around), on my sofa, on her sofa, at a bar, playing pool, in the pool, in a box, with a fox… Whenever I thought the time was right to “make a move.”

    LET’S NOT GET CARRIED AWAY HERE. Mating rituals often times requires touching, squeezing, stroking, but it’s only sexual harassment when you gamble incorrectly, and the other person is not interested.

    Ben Affleck, a young rich handsome guy squeezing some boob (gambled wrong this time) VS. some weirdo fat Jew begging, pleading, coercing, threatening a woman to watch him shower and possibly a spiked drink is quite different.

  6. The current news is about women being groped by men. I’ll bet there’s much more out there, i.e. both “elite” male and female offenders and both male and female targets, including teens and children.

  7. Unless you’re of the “Notarized Affidavit of Affirmative Consent” school, making one move on someone you don’t have authority over isn’t harassment.

    As someone once said, “When you’re a star, they let you do it.” He appears to have been correct.

    There is a line between consent and non-consent. However much sleaze there is on the “consent” side, the line still exists.

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