Why is Jesus Campos Missing? – IOTW Report

Why is Jesus Campos Missing?

In the case that gets weirder and weirder, the security guard that went from hero to a little less of a hero has gone missing.

UPDATE: Old Racist White Woman has pointed us towards Campos’s going away party. (He doesn’t look too happy. He almost looks like he knows he’s going to go on a Dallas Motorcade ride.)

Las Vegas security guard Jesus Campos disappears moments before TV interviews.



53 Comments on Why is Jesus Campos Missing?

  1. I was reading the other day that
    the FBI’s attempt to set their
    own timeline on the terrorism
    was falling apart. The author then
    bet that Campos would soon get “disappeared”. I also heard on
    the radio this AM that all the
    cell phone footage and information
    volunteered by witnesses was erased
    from their phones before being
    returned. If they wanted to avoid
    “conspiracy/red flag suspicions
    this is the wrong way to do it.

  2. And I should explain I guess…
    If it was intentional, Soros et al get rich selling short, bump stocks get the camel’s nose under the tent, and the security state grows.
    If it was accidental, the FBI needs a spanking.

  3. I try to be the last guy putting on the tin foil conspiracy hat. But I’m putting on the finishing touches on my new hat.

    Is there any honest person in the FBI or government at this point?

    If I were Trump I’d be scrutinizing my secret service detail at this point.

    Something deeply sinister is happening and I don’t have enough info to figure it out.

    Two weeks and we basically know nothing. This is bad.

  4. Campos is a $12 an hour security guard that drives an $80,000 Corvette. Interesting…

    Like Paddock, he has no online footprint and very few photos of him exist. You would think a guard that drives a Vette would like to boast on Dickbook and Instagram at the very least.

    Obongo said with his vicious side way look in a
    low voice after San Bernardino “It is going to
    get worse,much worse”.

  6. Campos could have been a sort Enrique Marquez Jr. for Paddock. It took the FBI a while to figure him out. Who knows what they might have discovered about Campos that they have add to the burn bag now.

  7. In case anyone is interested here is what his hero award said:

    Whereas, on Sunday October 1, 2017 at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, SPFPA Member Jesus Campos engaged in an act of extraordinary bravery, and
    Whereas, as a first responder he approached a hotel suite where a gunman was firing automatic weapons into a crowded concert, and
    Whereas, Officer Campos was seriously wounded by one of 200 rounds fired from the suite, and
    Whereas, despite his wound, Officer Campos assisted law enforcement in identifying the shooter’s suite. Lives were saved by his diversion of the shooter’s attention.

  8. I see Mexicans all day, every day. I have never seen one with a beard like that.

    Moustaches or trying to grow one? Sure. But no pork chop sideburns and no Amish/Muzzloid beards.

  9. The scientific method is the ONLY proven technique for revealing the truth in a fog of unknowns.
    Study available information.
    Develop theories based on reason and history.
    Present the theories with your reasoning for others to digest, dissect and try to disprove.
    Start over.

    The early theories may seem far fetched, but rational discussion will help reveal the truth.

    Keep asking the tough questions.

  10. Jethro

    “Study available facts”.

    There are none. Like many similar events the very first info is the best. I’m going with ISIS. A domestic cell that the FBI is scared to death of.
    If this is true, look fing out. But it would be just like the FBI to hide it from us.

  11. Trump is gaining back ground during the tiffs with the NFL. Elites thought they could outmaneuver him. Once again they failed to understand the average Americans. We know the shit they’re trying to pull. Now while they were plotting another round to fire on Trump, BAM,,,,Harvey Weinstein pops up out of nowhere. Just as the evil bastards in the deep state could take Rhambo in Vegas and say it was all on Trump. But DT loves the gun owners. Only the coo-coo birds likes the deep state. Shooter’s a flaming liberal. Shit. What to do now? Hide the evidence. screw up the timeline. Damn Weinstein gets worse and worse. NFL is a joke. None of these ideas are gunna bring down Trump.

  12. A lady who survived, passes away in her sleep. Very sad, she left behind a 3 year old daughter. I don’t care how emotional the Sheriff is and I don’t give a shit about him trying to calm the public. The victims and their families deserve to know the truth. They don’t deserve all the bullshit coming from LE, if you don’t have evidence to back up your “facts” then say you don’t know. Not only do the victims have a right to the truth so do Americans, if this was a lone wolf that went nuts, fine prove that with facts. If he was a lone wolf there is no reason to not release all evidence to the public. If it was some leftie/Antifa then everyone has a right to know that as well, but again prove it with facts. If it was some Moslem convert, again everyone has a right to know that as well.
    This link is to what she wrote on FB about that night:


    Here is link about her passing away.


  13. So we have a (legal/illegal)? Hispanic with a Muzzie beard who strangely received only a flesh wound and was advising others not to approach the shooter’s room? We have mexican/hispanic taunters 45 minutes before shooting starts… and We can be fairly sure there were multiple shooters, maybe some on the ground, chasing fans as they ran for cover? But the PD is talking lone gunman? What’s to question?

  14. Even if you don’t question the different sounds of gunfire, I would think any rational person would have to question how after 2 weeks they’re still adjusting the timeline, wasn’t deliberately shooting at the fuel tanks to he was shooting at the fuel tanks, even when he checked in was screwed up, yet immediately they could tell you there was only one shooter.

    Again if there was only one shooter, there is no criminal trial, so no reason to not lay out all the evidence they have.

    I think the crying sheriff answered why they have their “theories” or “lies” or “misinformation.”

    “Nobody is attempting to hide anything referencing this investigation….my attempt, like I stated earlier, is to give you the information as I know it, UNVERIFIED, to calm the public…not to establish a legal case. Everybody understand that? No questions, sir. ”

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