Fonda slams Trump while saying she knew about Weinstein, but said nothing – IOTW Report

Fonda slams Trump while saying she knew about Weinstein, but said nothing

This is the clip of the Emmies w/Fonda, Tomlin and Parton shown on Tucker Carlson’s show.
I just listened to her try to explain why she didn’t say anything about Weinstein — after first saying that she’d first heard about this “a year ago” — saying that she was ashamed of herself for not having the courage to speak up.
Here she is with Christianne Amanpour (a fellow feminista), saying she’s “glad it’s finally come out.”
As if we need any proof Fonda is a total hypocrite.  She and every other older female actor in Hollywood is complicit and their credibility is shot.
Such a pathetic liar. – Abigail Adams
Pictured is Barbarella, AKA: Jane Fonda, splaying her sausage garage, the one Roger Vadim had other men fill at sex orgies.
He also forced her into threesomes with women.

26 Comments on Fonda slams Trump while saying she knew about Weinstein, but said nothing

  1. Prostitutes, all. Both male and female actors. Sex in Hollywood is just part and parcel of paying your dues. Everyone knows it and everyone participates in it. The level of hypocrisy is so bad, there should just be another word for it because even the word “hypocrisy” doesn’t begin to describe it. Search YT for Hollywood pedo expose’s — there’s another bunch of BS that is normal in that group. What the hell do you call it when the club gives an award to a guy who rapes a child?

  2. Her old man wasn’t much better. Not as bad as some back then but definitely a Libtard. The worst was Burt Lancaster. That Rat Bastard was a full on Communist. He refused to do movies with John Wayne because he was a conservative. Hated him. This didn’t start with the Sausage Garage.

  3. Almost everyone has a price. The question is are you ready to pay the price for your action?
    Some will and some will not. Some of us can not be brought. It all comes down to how strong your faith is and if you have the courage to speak up when you see injustice in the world.
    Real injustice, not SJW type crap.
    Fonda is another lib that is full of it and should not be listened to like all of the others.

  4. This crap has been going on in Hallowood for decades. I’ve really had no use for the ‘personalities’ of that liberal crap hole for as long as I can remember.

    One of the reasons why I quit watching the MSM ‘news’ was because of all the ridiculous stories pandering to the weirdos in show biz.

    Even back when I still liked the movies Holloweird produced, I wasn’t a big fan of celebrities. What a bunch of scrap.

    I hope some of the celebritard groupies get turned off by all of these revelations, but I really don’t hold out much hope.

    I would still like to see the Cory boys (Haim and Feldman)along with the many abused kids, championed and vindicated.

  5. I noticed the same thing in the Twitter feeds of these liberal twats complaining about Weinstein. They’d link to somebody like Rosanna Arquette or some such and it would be Weinstein raped me, jacked off to me, blah, blah, blah but then I’d visit their Stay Strong Sister’s twitter accounts and it would be ten pages about hating Trump.

    Did he rape you? No? Then your anger is severely misplaced. You can’t criticize your Hollyweird bosses but you’re allowed to go after the guy who didn’t do shit to you hammer and tongs.

    You always know who’s in control by who you’re not allowed to criticize.

  6. This takedown of Hollywood is only just beginning. They’re going to fall like dominoes. And it’s going to lead directly to Washington and the Podestas and their ilk. You’ve got to know Trump knows all their dirty little secrets. When it’s over, the left will have lost one of their biggest hammers. Never again will they be able to lecture us on morality. I’m loving it. I thank God for our president. He’s really going to drain the swamp.

  7. For over half a century this old Mattress Actress has been around the block more times with more guys working the system than you could possibly imagine. No matter how sincere she comes across, she is now THE poster child of Hollywood Hypocrisy! She knows full well how Hollywood works. When producers drop their pants and say “Who wants a contract?” the girls com running and the boys bend over. She should have just kept her mouth shut about Donald Trump, but being a self-absorbed Hollywood Icon got in the way and the her monumental stupidity oozed out instead!

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