Bill Bennett Touts Trump Has ‘More Conservative Cabinet’ Than Reagan – IOTW Report

Bill Bennett Touts Trump Has ‘More Conservative Cabinet’ Than Reagan

Breitbart: Dr. Bill Bennett, secretary of education under President Ronald Reagan, told attendees at the Values Voter Summit Friday that President Donald Trump’s Cabinet is a “more conservative cabinet” than Reagan’s Cabinet was.

Bennett – now a radio host and author – specifically named current Education Secretary Betsy DeVos “my friend … who is fighting to empower parents,” as an example of conservatism, and defended her signature policy of school choice.

However, both Bennett and DeVos have come under fire from many conservative parents throughout America for their support – mentioned or otherwise – for the Common Core standards. The movement to eradicate the federally funded and supported Common Core has been led by one of the most significant “populist” grassroots efforts in decades.

As Breitbart News reported in 2014, Bennett drew the ire of anti-Common Core parents throughout the country after penning an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that made a “conservative case for Common Core.”  MORE

4 Comments on Bill Bennett Touts Trump Has ‘More Conservative Cabinet’ Than Reagan

  1. D.O.E.: Mischief-making arm of the federal government.

    It would be better to close it down, and allow high-performing states to pair with low-performing states to solve their education problems.

    The billions saved can be better served in any other capacity.

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