Drone Footage Over Santa Rosa – IOTW Report

Drone Footage Over Santa Rosa


There’s hardly anything left.

ht/ all too much

31 Comments on Drone Footage Over Santa Rosa

  1. I’d imagine if you weren’t from California, you would think people are idiot’s for not getting vehicles out but many barely got out alive or not at all !
    We have hills with ribbon canyons all around, add dry unpredictable high winds… the fires jump miles in a minute !!!

  2. It looks worse than hurricane damage, except no flooding. The ‘to the ground destruction’, is tremendous. Nothing to go ‘recover’. It looks like a war zone, but even in many war pictures, some rubble is left.

  3. My Aunt and Uncle live there with their three small children. (They evacuated two days ago) Their small business was there. …this is so sickening for me to see. I can’t even begin to imagine… 🙁

  4. If there’s a drone in the air FAA requires they shut down air drops. Fixed wing and rotary. He can’t be that far from where they are making air drops. This has happened a lot in California. When there is an active fire the news media is constantly warning people to keep drones out of the burn.And they explain why. Doesn’t seem to stop them.

  5. My sister in law and my niece – lived on the semi rural north side of Santa Rosa. Both their homes are gone. They fled on the middle of the night with little more than the clothes on their backs. She and my husbands late brother ( a California highway patrolman) raised their 4 children there. I can’t imagine the devastation. My heart breaks for her. Praying and sending what aid we can.

  6. Damn. Whoever comes up with fire resistant and hurricane-proof homes will be a hero. What incredible, total destruction.

    I bought a burned out property in 2008. Literally a fire-sale bargain.

    Only a Boston Terrier lost his life in it, but it was still sad just doing the clean-up of someone else’s tragedy. Especially knowing the moron that owned the property and the dog, caused it. IOW – it was totally preventable.

    Passed out in his easy chair while smoking and didn’t know he had dropped the cig. I couldn’t get the image out of my head of that dog suffering smoke inhalation to his death. His remains were found near the front door area like he was trying to get out.

  7. My house burned to the ground in the eighties. Nothing left but intact bottles of liquor next to a brick wall. Message received.

    They will rebuild. Insured everywhere will pay higher premiums. Life goes on.

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