Hollywood Announces That the Era of Workplace Harassment is Over – IOTW Report

Hollywood Announces That the Era of Workplace Harassment is Over

I can guarantee you as you read this there is a girl somewhere in LA, wearing kneepads, servicing a dude that is “auditioning her” for a role.

Harvey Weinstein expelled from motion picture academy.


Embattled film mogul Harvey Weinstein — a once-dominant force in the AcademyAwards who rewrote the rules of Oscar campaigning — has been expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in response to mounting allegations of sexual harassment and assault against him.

The film academy’s 54-member board of governors, which includes such industry luminaries as Steven SpielbergTom Hanks, Kathleen Kennedy and Whoopi Goldberg, voted in an emergency meeting on Saturday morning to remove Weinstein from the organization’s ranks in an unprecedented public rebuke of a prominent industry figure. The move marked the latest blow in Weinstein’s stunning downfall and, in symbolic terms, amounts to a virtual expulsion from Hollywood itself.

In removing Weinstein from the organization’s ranks, the academy’s board said in a statement, “We do so not simply to separate ourselves from someone who does not merit the respect of his colleagues but also to send a message that the era of willful ignorance and shameful complicity in sexually predatory behavior and workplace harassment in our industry is over. What’s at issue here is a deeply troubling problem that has no place in our society. The Board continues to work to establish ethical standards of conduct that all Academy members will be expected to exemplify.”


ht/ fdr in hell

30 Comments on Hollywood Announces That the Era of Workplace Harassment is Over

  1. Did you guys see Tucker Carlson last night? He played a clip of Harrison Ford(?) giving Polanski the Oscar for something or other. Of course Polanski couldn’t be there because he’d fled to Europe (France?) to avoid jail for raping a thirteen year-old child. The rape that Whoopi Goldberg said wasn’t “rape rape” because it wasn’t “that” kind of violation.

    Anyway, the camera panned the overwhelmed crowd of admirerers: Streep, Nicholson, Coppola, basically all the heavy Hollywood hitters. Screaming, cheering, clapping, stomping, approving.

    Apparently the girl he raped was a nobody.

  2. Fuck all of these hypocritical assholes. They are garbage, collectively and pretty much as individuals. I just hope more will be emboldened to come forward about others just like Weinstein. I also am waiting for the outing of the pedophiles that are practicing their deviance.
    Again, fuck these assholes.

  3. Establish Ethical Standards in Hollywood?
    Is Hollywood still in California?
    Ethical Standards? Who would have ever thought that would happen?
    Sure, I’ll buy that and the golden gate bridge.

  4. I’m still trying to come up with the perfect analogy for the laughable act of throwing Weinstein out of the Academy. They see no difference at all in their own behavior and what they promote compared to Weinstein? I’m assuming they’re using a sliding scale and not an absolute baseline, yes?

  5. p.s. to AA
    The term you’re looking for is “cosmetic.”
    Their whole approach to this – as with Leftist politics – is merely “what can we SELL the best?!”

  6. They’ve been bad. VERY bad. For Hollyweird that’s only a request for more spanking. Nothing will change. The culture is corrupt and perverts can’t police perverts.

  7. This little exhibition is exactly the same as pulling two feathers off a 300 pound turkey! it might hurt a little bit now,
    but it is entirely insignificant in the long run! The show must go on!

  8. The best thing to come out of all this is that the whole industry’s ability to think or act rationally about anything come under scrutiny and criticism. So, it isn’t just about their insane judgement concerning sex, but covers their politics, too.

  9. They’ve had over a century to establish ethical standards. They are long out of time. Every last slimy, putrid, rotten POS is out of time. The only concern in Hollyhell is that someone got caught. The light has been turned on these cockroaches.

  10. For a bunch of so called “smart” people who “didn’t know anything” about this, but will gladly tell the average, hard-working, Church-going, over-taxed payer how to live, what to eat, how to raise their kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of electric clown-car to drive (while they ride in limousines) and, of course, who to vote for, maybe they should start to investigate who else is doing this stuff before making such a meaningless statement!!

  11. Hey, liberal assholes. Which is more effective; a new point of view or an old cliché?

    Here’s my new point of view; It’s easy to presume that most liberals DO NOT understand that most Conservatives have been ‘forced fed’ the same liberal shit before. In other words; There is no way in Hell we believe your horseshit. Talk is cheap.

    Here’s the cliché; Don’t piss on my shoe and tell me it’s raining.

  12. Trump – “Whoops, wrong swamp! Oh well, it’s a Tuesday Two-Fer. Have at it! Enjoy!”

    Harveys’ bro seems to be the go-to for the outing, but that doesn’t make sense. Outing Harvey means his bros’ income is slashed to hell as well. I don’t think his bro is all that altruistic.

    I’m betting nore on Bannon/Breitbart as the instigator. Which makes me smile.

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