Downright Nasty Woman – IOTW Report

Downright Nasty Woman

ht/ all too much

31 Comments on Downright Nasty Woman

  1. It’s more interesting if you watch it without sound. She looks just like the guilty party in every episode of Dateline; exaggerated facial expression, particularly her eyes. She looks just like the perp in the interrogation room who thinks they can outsmart and outlast the detective.

  2. I’m proud of myself. I actually made it through two minutes of that video before I bailed. That means I’m gaining more control over my gag reflex.

    And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to step into the bathroom for a couple of minutes…

  3. It’s not likely that she’ll end up in a trailer park in Gainesville like janet reno, but that level of obscurity would be appropriately deadly to her – I would approve!

  4. Oh, dear Lord. Listening to her voice is like finger nails on a chalkboard.
    Keep talking and doing interviews, Hillary. The more you talk, the more your party loses.
    God bless Donald Trump. He’s actually trying to save America, in spite of the sewer he has to work with.
    I’m now going to go eat a chocolate bar. Something sweet to get that bitter hag’s voice out of my head.

  5. I made it just past the groveling female staffers reading love notes to her. I wonder if they put little hearts over each letter i instead of just a dot?

    And at about 6:25, did she curtsey to Jimmy Fallon? LOOOL

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