Austria’s Sebastian Kurz To Be the Youngest World Leader – IOTW Report

Austria’s Sebastian Kurz To Be the Youngest World Leader

Obama would like to call and congratulate him, but he can’t find a translator that speaks Austrian.

The Guardian-

By handing a convincing victory to the centre-right party of 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz on Sunday, Austria rewarded one of the most audacious political gambles in its recent history.

Until Kurz was announced as a candidate for chancellor in June, his Austrian People’s party (ÖVP) had been trailing by some distance in polls behind its senior partner in the governing coalition, the centre-left SPÖ, and behind the far-right Freedom party (FPÖ).

But on Sunday evening the man Austrian tabloids have affectionately dubbed wunderwuzzi or “wonderkid” could hardly make himself heard over deafening cheers as walked on to the stage at Vienna’s Kursalon, draped in the turquoise colours of his “movement”.

With the ÖVP winning more than 30% of the vote, Kurz is in a position to choose whether he wants to continue the “grand coalition” of the past decade under his leadership or enter an alliance with the nationalist FPÖ.

By having turning around the fortunes of an ailing traditional party outfit, he also joins an ideologically incongruous group of European politicians who have managed to inject the political centre with new energy.


31 Comments on Austria’s Sebastian Kurz To Be the Youngest World Leader

  1. Congratulations are in order. Shutting down the Balkan route for refugees, burqa ban and starving the welfare state of revenues – can we import some of his brethren? Despite (or in some cases, because of) Trump showing how it can be done, we have some people over here – mostly MSM and uni types who aren’t getting the picture.

  2. Austria was (is) in a difficult position regarding refugees, having problems both with the Polish and the muslims. But a dose of nationalism and common sense may be in order and enough to reverse the current of nation-dismantling the EU and rampant militant nature of refugees have brought.

  3. @Bad_Brad; Hell, he couldn’t be any worse than our “Pretty Boy Trudeau”. I ought to put that on a Not Wanted Poster. Anyway, maybe this guy is the real deal and will embolden some of the other euro’s to grow a set and start sending these “refugees” back.

  4. Angela Merkel is the standard bearer of the German centre-right Christian Democratic Union. In the EU, anyone less left than Bernie Sanders is “right wing”. Anyone less left than Barack Obama is “far right”.

    He is quite pretty, though.

  5. Good to see the youngest generation telling the older generation they aren’t buying into the destruction of their culture. I hope it spreads to other nations.

  6. TO “It’s Europe, Hans”
    since you clearly have NO idea of European politics,
    please real the ZH article I posted at 5:11pm
    to get a feel for this new guy.

    “Looks” can be deceiving.

    The FPÖ is NOT the CDU (and the CSU is moving Right from them).
    The FPÖ is considering a coalition with the ÖVP (think: AfD)…NOT the SPÖ (think: SPD).

  7. In a nutshell, via BNI; “Although the Social Democrats have come either first or second in elections since World War II, voters are not receptive right now to the party’s focus on social justice.”

    SJ is a death knell for any functioning sane society.

  8. @Czar of Defenestration October 15, 2017 at 6:09 pm

    Alright. I’ll demure to “Tyler Durden” of the American financial “news” blog “Zero Hedge” for expertise on the European psyche. Your canon quotes

    Ronald Lauder, who heads the World Jewish Congress, said the Freedom Party is “full of xenophobes and racists. It is sad and distressing that such a platform should receive more than a quarter of the vote and become the country’s second party,”

    The Austrian Freedom Party is the “far-right” team that Kurz’s “centre-right” Austrian People’s Party is using as a threat while negotiating bennies with the current “grand coalition” (of “the past decade” — and, quoting “Zero Hedge”, “44 of the 72 years since World War II”).

    “Centre-right” is the description (bad spelling, and all) used by people (who spell that way) to describe both the Austrian People’s Party, and their neighbors, The German Christian Democratic Union. It is quite possible that different people (who all happen to spell wrong, in the same wrong way) have different standards for “centre” and “far”. But I am demurring to them on their standards.

    Paul Ryan is to “the right” of Nancy Pelosi. Having Pelosi second in command to Ryan may pursue different priorities than having Ryan second in command to Pelosi. Having Ryan negotiating with Pelosi to ensure a “smooth transition” doesn’t foretell significant disruption. Regardless of who is captain and who is mate.


    “Looks” can be deceiving.

    That’s why they’re so useful in “democratic” “elections” with “general suffrage”.

  9. Ronald Lauder is a pro-globalist, pro-immigration, pro-refugee POS.

    To the far-Leftist Lauder, anyone defending Germanic Kultur is a “racist” and “fascistically against non-Germanic peoples”.

    But in reality, Austria needs to defend itself against a culturally-suicidal EU and defend itself against the hordes of invading illegal immigrant Filthy Mohammedan Savages. These Pieces Of Shit make Harvey Weinstein look like an angelic pro-feminist pussy-whipped metrosexual by contrast.

  10. “turning around the fortunes of an ailing traditional party”

    But I’ll bet they have a “Never Kurz” faction to make sure he doesn’t turn them too far around.

  11. Unless they were to evict the savages that have already overrun them, it makes no difference at this point. In a matter of years the muslime filth already there will outnumber them. Its too late. It would take massive round ups and deportations. They wont go as far as they need to.

  12. This is what caught my eye:

    In TV debates, Kurz has repeatedly criticised the leader of the FPÖ, Heinz-Christian Strache, for his links to parties that want to “destroy the EU”. He has insisted that the next government of Austria, which takes over the EU council presidency in 2018, has to be “strongly pro-European”.

    This actually might be a good thing for eurabia.

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