Referencing Harvey Weinstein Gets Al Michaels in Trouble With People Searching Desperately To Be Offended – IOTW Report

Referencing Harvey Weinstein Gets Al Michaels in Trouble With People Searching Desperately To Be Offended

Even the right is getting on Michaels. This is silly.

17 Comments on Referencing Harvey Weinstein Gets Al Michaels in Trouble With People Searching Desperately To Be Offended

  1. Somebody has to joke about it, Late Night is a snoozefest.
    I mean really you has beens, high, slow and center, not even one swing.
    He has been busted and they are still sucking his dick like a ramen bowl.

  2. not to defend Michaels, whom I despise, but some people get offended if you inform them the sky is blue today. There is nothing in the constitution that says you have to right to be unoffended. Grow the hell up.

  3. I have found myself cogitating on why more people have not pig-piled on Weinstein. It is because every other sleazy Hollywood power broker works the same program. So it is not just one director/ producer/ talent scout that won’t hire you after you speak out. It is every other one that won’t hire you.

  4. Holy shit!… He had to apologize for that? Sounds like his industry is still chock full of fascist rapist democrat assholes. A true purge is needed. Weinstein is not enough.

  5. But if it were one of the bazillion cracks at Trump’s expense, no one, across all spectra of pundits, ‘journalists’, politicians, sages, ‘scientists’, yada yada would have a problem smirking in agreement.

    I’m glad has Trump has the temperament to rip ’em a new one.

  6. SO WHAT?! He didn’t say anything bad about weinstein or his accusers. “It’s in the papers”.
    He never should have apologized. What he should have said is, “Ah looks like I’ve upset a few people with my weinstein comment. Sometimes for whatever reason, that happens. Anyway…”

    I have to tell you, the ‘forever fainting, white gloved’ Right reaaaally works my nerves sometimes, too.
    The proper thing to say is, ‘haha’, point and laugh. That’s it.
    Everybody, pull the sticks out of your asses and have a glass of sweet tea.

  7. Michaels and SNF is boring, (or was. I quit watching it. About the most boring FB program you can find)along with his sidekick colinsworth. And michaels delivery is dull, flat and without emotion. He isnt a comic or a humorist. You know this wasnt impromptu. He probably planned on saying this for a week but it could’ve been really funny but fell flat. no apology is necessary other than the poor delivery.

  8. whatever you do, NEVER APOLOGIZE to public pressure…….

    the apology always makes it worse…..

    you can say you’re sorry to your wife, or husband, or your kids, or friends…….because you may have hurt them…..

    but NEVER apologize because PUBLIC OPINION is against you…..NEVER APOLOGIZE TO THE MOB…..they will only come back for more blood… will never end well for you, you will always be portrayed as the person who had to apologize, because you ARE SO DESPICABLE…..

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