Paul Joseph Watson – The Truth About Hollywood – IOTW Report

Paul Joseph Watson – The Truth About Hollywood

More and more people are beginning to feel jaded by popular culture.


12 Comments on Paul Joseph Watson – The Truth About Hollywood

  1. It’s funny how many of us actively root for the demise of Hollywood and the liberal media.
    But they have actively declared themselves our enemy.
    In most industries the motto is “The customer is always right.”
    With the liberal elite they consider us deplorable heathens.
    Screw them.

  2. The real truth about Hollywood is finally revealed.
    Yes, the Hollywood Left has always told us
    how they are always there for the “little guy”!
    “Wherever there’s wrong-doing, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s injustice, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s corruption, We’ll be there!”
    “And wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up
    on a little guy, we’ll be there too!”… and now we know why –
    to help hold him down so that Harvey and his friends can fuck him in the ass!

  3. I admit ignorance on such matters but, why does Hollywad continue to have the monopoly when it comes to movie making and such? Why aren’t there studios out there by now that cater to movie making for folks such as most of us in here? I’m sure there are plenty of conservative actors/actresses out there that would stand in line for a chance at taking part in such a venture… IDK man…

  4. I’ve taken to watching foreign made shows on Netflix. I know that their actors(especially the Brits, and their ‘diversity’) are probably just as whiny, but I haven’t had to put up with it, as much…so far.

    I have really gotten to the point, especially with the overwhelming volume of commercials, that I can’t stand watching most television shows, network or cable, at ALL.

    I live with my son, and it’s up to him, but I think we’ll be cutting our cable cord soon.

  5. Usually there is one war related movie per year. I go to them. The last one, Dunkirk, sucked.

    13 Hours, American Sniper and Lone Survivor were very good.

    Other than that, I have no interest.

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