Puerto Rico’s Secretary of State Stands in Dumpster Filled With AID That Has Been Thrown Away – IOTW Report

Puerto Rico’s Secretary of State Stands in Dumpster Filled With AID That Has Been Thrown Away

Trump is still blamed by political hacks trying to score points.

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15 Comments on Puerto Rico’s Secretary of State Stands in Dumpster Filled With AID That Has Been Thrown Away

  1. My in-laws were talking about retiring in Puerto Rico earlier this year.

    Might want to reconsider. A local government that would rather people starve so they can try to score points against a Republican president isn’t who you want in charge of anything over your life.

  2. That bitch is one foolish Democrat Mayor , she’s now in the running with Ray Naggen (?) for worst disaster response Politician ever !
    Those Democrats are great Actors, too bad Life’s not a play !!!

  3. I didn’t see any freshness indicator stickers on those MRE cases. They are orange stickers that lose their color when exposed to the elements, or over time. It allows for quick spot checking of the meals to ensure they are good or bad without the need to open the box. Interesting that none of the cases seem to have a freshness sticker.

    The meals can be quickly compromised if left in the sun or hot temperatures, or mishandled.. the sticker would be a tell tale sign.

  4. It’s a shame we have such a bungling FBI right now. There was also rumors that some island officials were selling/trading aid. If at least some of PR’s corruption would come to light and be prosecuted…. Why is it always too much to ask?

  5. I had MREs that went to first Iraq, came back, went into warehouse, got thrown away, were recovered from dumpsters, sat in my boat for at least a year.
    Yep, they were fine
    Like Vietvet says, better than the Korean War C-rats we got.
    Did anybody ever eat the bread?
    Any meat was solid fat, they had to “meat” caloric requirements, in a little bitty can.

  6. My guess would be that this is a subterfuge for the connected to grab aid by declaring it “spoiled” and then dumpster-diving to appropriate it for themselves. There are probably back alley markets selling the stuff, with the pols creaming off the profits.

  7. I went to a retirement party last year, the woman is a coworker of the wife’s.
    She is PR, I asked if she was going back to PR, she laughed and asked: “Have you ever been to PR?”.
    Told her yes I had, her reply was: “You still need to ask?”
    Yep, felt a little foolish.

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