Canada: Human Rights Lawyer- “Not every fear of Islam is Islamophobia” – IOTW Report

Canada: Human Rights Lawyer- “Not every fear of Islam is Islamophobia”

DC: One of the most respected human rights lawyers in Canada is warning Parliament that a motion against “Islamophobia” can be used to silence critics of Muslim extremists.

David Matas was testifying before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage Wednesday when he declared that “fear of some elements of Islam is mere prudence.”

The committee is studying an Islamophobia motion passed by the House of Commons and is expected to report back to the Justin Trudeau government on legal remedies to combat the problem. The motion did not define Islamophobia, and critics say it could be used to restrict any criticism of radical Islam, or free speech in general.

Matas is the senior legal counsel to the Jewish human rights organization B’nai Brith Canada and has been honored with the Order of Canada.

“Not every fear of Islam is Islamophobia,” Matas said

5 Comments on Canada: Human Rights Lawyer- “Not every fear of Islam is Islamophobia”

  1. Matas will probably be crucified for stating common sense. What I am scared of is the trend of political correctness by liberals that allows Islamism more and more inroads into the deterioration of our democracy. If the trend continues the only alternative to saving our values would be bloodshed.

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