~~~~~ – IOTW Report


54 Comments on ~~~~~

  1. The Bush Clan has been progressive/leftist for at least 70 years. I voted FOR a Bush once; ’88! Never again. I told everyone in ’04 I was voting AGAINST JFK! As did about 17,000,000 other conservatives who did not vote for the GOP lefties in ’08 or ’12! To call this Ronnie hater a conservative is to smear Goldwater and Ronnie! Which is precisely what the Press has done for 17 years!

  2. The common denominator is the sale of uranium to the Russians. That is why Bush is making a sudden reappearance. Not saying that Bush was involved in that particular transaction, but the Bush family enriched themselves, just as every other globalist pol has for the last several decades, on trading legislation and favorable policy decisions to NGO’s around the world. The fuse — the trail of wrong-doing — is long, and at the end of it is attached every big-named pol who retired to their own private compound and an offshore bank account. They know that if this is all uncovered, they will be reviled forever in history. And may go to prison.

  3. I have too much love and respect for the Three Stooges to make that reference.
    However, a pep boys reference seems apropos;
    Manny, Moe and Jackoff……your guess as to who is the jackoff, personally, especially since yesterday, it’s a 3 way toss up.

  4. My respect for GWB drops more each day. It’s reached a point now that I begin to wonder about his decision (and to be honest, others as well) to go into Iraq. He was a dismal failure as a domestic President, a success as a wartime President for Afghanistan (as mentioned my view is changing on Iraq) and is responsible for eight years of Obama as he never, ever replied to the lies and halftruths shot at him over his tenure by the media and others and even forbad his VP from getting out there and defending the reputation of the administration. As we all know, a lie told often enough without challenge becomes the truth in the eyes of many. Having said that perhaps eight years of McCain (or 4) would have been as bad but then maybe the brain cancer would have sped up and America could have had a real President.

  5. @ Engelburka

    There’s a special place in Hell for those Marxist Brothers…it’s “Satan’s Sandwich Shack.”

    It will feature that crispy burned-out fool between those two stale slices of white idiocy.

    On the menu now is Helen Thomas sandwiched between Teddy Kennedy and Arlen Specter. Hide your eyes.

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