Canada: Muslim immigrant who was confirmed to have repeatedly raped his wife was found not guilty – IOTW Report

Canada: Muslim immigrant who was confirmed to have repeatedly raped his wife was found not guilty

Her husband denied all charges and said he wouldn’t have been able to have sex with her in that year anyway, because he had a hair transplant and was told to abstain from having sex.

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7 Comments on Canada: Muslim immigrant who was confirmed to have repeatedly raped his wife was found not guilty

  1. This is part of the sad problem of Canada’s insane immigration laws. Muslim women come to my country hoping to be protected from the dark ages of Islam and instead, in examples like this, they find Judges who stab them in the back and put them back into an even more dangerous situation. Don’t be surprised to find her dead some morning while the husband has fled to Gaza with his “honor” intact. Then it’s time to have a word with the Judge.

  2. This is ismlamic heritage and right, besides there were not 4 muslim men who witnessed the rape, therefore even though it happened, it didn’t.

    Canada is infected with liberal/socialist judges just like the UK & US.

    Insanity prevails when dealing with 7th century islamic ideals, traditions, heritage and teachings.

  3. From the judge: “I find that the accused probably had sex with his wife on many occasions without her specific consent, as both he and she believed that he had the right to do so,”

    But, as there is no such thing as marital rape in Islam the judge let the rapist walk. I wonder what this judge would do when an honor killing is brought before his court- ‘I find that you did murder your daughter but as you were not breaking any law as you understand it you are free to go’.

    Just another judge that needs to be removed from his bench in order to save Western Civ. And by “removed” I mean with extreme prejudice.

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