SJW gaming forum shuts down following sex abuse allegations – IOTW Report

SJW gaming forum shuts down following sex abuse allegations


NeoGAF, a gaming forum that served for many years as a hub for progressives in the game industry, shut down today following allegations of sexual assault against its owner, Tyler Malka.

The website served as a de facto community for gamers on the progressive left. Due to the presence of industry insiders, media men, and individuals in positions of power in the game industry, the forum’s collective opinion carried weight all the way to the top of the food chain, sometimes capable of dictating the direction of a game—whether in terms of marketing, or even development.

The forum has also conducted witch hunts and crusades to fire or silence game developers who expressed conservative, libertarian, or otherwise “unprogressive” opinions critical to feminism.

Tyler Malka, better known as EviLore, developed and enforced the forum’s progressive, feminist guidelines and was largely responsible for helping cement the narrative against the GamerGate movement for ethics in game journalism.  Continued

9 Comments on SJW gaming forum shuts down following sex abuse allegations

  1. One of the weirdest businesses I ever visited was Electronic Arts (EA Games) somewhere in the Bay Area.
    Talk about a freak show. This was before Occupy. Skateboards and trippy hipsters everywhere.

    This was a business meeting with children. It didn’t go well.

    Arrogant and condescending. Couldn’t wait to get out of there. Not surprising that there is an undercurrent of corruption and dystopia with those weirdos.

  2. So “she” (I don’t want to presume gender, but that’s what the article used) went on a road trip to New Orleans. With some dude who was not her boyfriend. Without her boyfriend. And after yet another night of drunkenness, they were in their, shared hotel room, she “got sick”, pulled a Weinstein, and decided to hop in the shower. Dude hops in with her. She says “Ewww”. Dude hops out. He “started resenting me, being mean to me, ignoring me… in a city he drove me to”. And that gentlemen, oh, so gentlemanly, manly men, is “sexual abuse”.

    Yes, please do destroy everything that either of them has ever touched. Looked at. Thumbed up. And then, and then… Sweet Sharia of Islam, will someone rid me of these meddlesome “gentlemmen”?

  3. Hah!
    Crash and burn, Malka.
    Crash. And. Burn. I hope that you lose everything. 🖓
    (Now if you’ll excuse me, folks, I’m off to youtube to check for details.)

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