SJ Magazine Cancels All Male Panel On Empowering Women – IOTW Report

SJ Magazine Cancels All Male Panel On Empowering Women

The lineup of business professionals slated to appear was impressive, the only problem for those who oppose the event, was that there were no women sharing the stage.

Titled “Women in Business: A man’s point of view” the discussion was part of an ongoing series on women’s empowerment and was slated for next Monday, that was until the host, “SJ Magazine” took too much heat for the event.


The “SJ” in their title stands for “South Jersey”, not “Social Justice,” though one has to wonder at this point.

7 Comments on SJ Magazine Cancels All Male Panel On Empowering Women

  1. To the liberal brain damaged feminist, men talking about empowering women is like North Korea talking about empowering the United States. They see men as the root of all evil and the enemy. Idiots.

  2. I work for a Fortune 100 company that is the third largest defense contractor in the US. My boss is a woman. My boss’s boss is a woman. My boss’s boss’s boss is a woman and a vice president. The President and CEO of our fucking company is a woman and ex-Navy officer and Annapolis grad… So… fuck you feminists… Sorry you can’t stand the fact that you won and now actually have to deliver something other than fabricated sob stories.

  3. Similar storyline Mule. For the sake of the blessed Diversity & Inclusion, ours brought in this manhating shrew who promptly started firing or demoting a lot of well-respected male managers in a very public and intentionally humiliating way and replacing them with incompetent SJW bitches.

    So and so is being demoted two pay grades and being placed under a college hire, when you see them in the halls – congratulate them on their new roles! That kind of stuff.

    Everything suffered. Good people, men and women, just decided to quit or retire which is extremely out of the ordinary for our company.

    A shuffle at the top and within a month, HBIC was fired and escorted out without so much as a bon voyage or don’t let the door hit you. Her chain of undeserving lickspittles were soon broken off into splinter cells where they would do less damage.

    Watching them is like watching cancer in remission.

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