‘Smoking gun’ email reveals Obama DOJ blocked conservative groups from settlement funds, GOP lawmaker says – IOTW Report

‘Smoking gun’ email reveals Obama DOJ blocked conservative groups from settlement funds, GOP lawmaker says


The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee claims he obtained a “smoking gun” email that proves the Obama Justice Department prevented settlement payouts from going to conservative-leaning organizations, even as liberal groups were awarded money and DOJ officials denied “picking and choosing” recipients.

“It is not every day in congressional investigations that we find a smoking gun,” Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said Tuesday. “Here, we have it.”

While Eric Holder was U.S. attorney general, the Justice Department allowed prosecutors to strike agreements compelling big companies to give money to outside groups not connected to their cases to meet settlement burdens. Republican lawmakers long have decried those payments as a “slush fund” that boosted liberal groups, and the Trump DOJ ended the practice earlier this year.

But internal Justice Department emails released Tuesday by Goodlatte indicated that not only were officials involved in determining what organizations would get the money, but also Justice Department officials may have intervened to make sure the settlements didn’t go to conservative groups.


8 Comments on ‘Smoking gun’ email reveals Obama DOJ blocked conservative groups from settlement funds, GOP lawmaker says

  1. A couple of quotes from the main article:

    “One person, Bob LeClair, responded to Dunlap’s email by saying, “Frankly, I would be willing to have us build a statue [of West] and then we could bow down to this statue each day after we get our $200,000.”

    “Gibson Guitars was forced to pay $50,000 to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in 2012, though that organization has nothing to do with the case. In 2014, Bank of America gave money to the National Urban League, the Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America and the National Council of La Raza as part of a major mortgage fraud settlement stemming from the 2008 financial crisis.”

    “Aiding their political allies was only the half of it,” Goodlatte said.

    Can anyone provide me with a valid reason from a moral perspective that every last one of the assholes involved in this corrupt, government approved theft of taxpayer money shouldn’t be hung by the neck until dead?

    Use whatever is in every one of their personal pension funds to offset the federal debt and grind their ashes up and make urinals out of them so all of us has the opportunity to piss on their “graves”.

  2. I hope they actually DO SOMETHING with this smoking gun.
    If Congress doesn’t start metaphorically getting some heads to roll soon,
    I have an inkling that the people won’t be so “metaphorical” once pushed too far or ignored too long.

  3. @Bubba’s Brother October 25, 2017 at 2:21 am

    Because morally, when you declare “All for one! And one for all!” before the looting begins, then it must remain “All for one! And one for all!” when the looting is paused. (Perhaps some believe it be at an end.)

    How can you reclaim what was taken, for deposit in a treasury that no longer exists? (The buildings might still stand, but there will be no one to use them as they once were used.)

  4. Eric Holder and the rest have to pay. They used lawfare against the banks under the aegis of fines for the housing crisis and routed all of the money to leftwing groups – including the successors and offshoots of ACORN.

    Holder thinks he’s running for President now. Best to make him the face of the Democrat party.

    The DoJ targeted people they didn’t like at gunpoint, stole their money and gave it to their friends who then used it to organize these AntiFa, BLM protests all over the country. It wasn’t all Soros. A lot of those paid agitators were funded by this right here. Tens of billions of dollars.

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