Does It Make a Difference? – IOTW Report

Does It Make a Difference?

12 Comments on Does It Make a Difference?

  1. I know that’s fake.
    But why would Katy Perry wear that blouse if she didn’t want people to stare at her pups?
    You know, like “my eyes are up here”… Then cover up your boobs…

  2. The thing about men that apparently is lacking in lesbians is the ability to look without it being quite so obvious.

    I have to agree with Jethro and believe honest women will say the same thing, women don’t bare the boobies unless they want men to notice. We don’t do it so we can see them.

  3. CNN will probably be convening round tables for a day to discuss this outrageous behavior by Trump clearly condoned by his wife. Fake dossier, fake photo – what difference does it make, they’ll run with it.

  4. @Jethro October 26, 2017 at 8:39 pm

    I think you’ve just solved Harvey Weinstein’s “feminist” problem. “Just because I whip it out, doesn’t mean you have to watch.”

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