Urine… the Toilet Zone – IOTW Report

Urine… the Toilet Zone

The Daily Wire

To protest President Trump overturning the Obama administration’s executive order mandating that public schools allow transgender children into the bathroom of their choice, a trans artist in New York has collected 200 gallons of her own urine to use in a disgusting art exhibit.

In a Vice News video, the artist Cassils — a woman presenting herself as a man — takes viewers on a journey as she collects 200 gallons of golden shower excess and assembles it all into a “sculpture” for woke Manhattanites to gaze in awe upon.

Cassil began collecting the urine shortly after President Trump rescinded Obama’s order. Stored into jugs, the amount of urine became so immense that Cassil’s partner forced her into placing the urnine into refrigerators off-site at several friends’ houses. Much of the video is of Cassil making her rounds to collect the jugs.

After Cassil collected her specimens, she then poured all 200 gallons of it into a storage tank that would preserve it for spectators to come and feast their eyes on piss. On the exhibit’s opening night, Cassil explained to The Huffington Post how she will be urinating into a bottle before an audience of curious spectators:

I will be facing the sculpture on a very, very high [platform] — probably like 10 feet up in the air, so you’re not eye-line with my crotch. I’m looking down on you. And behind me, is a grid of the 262 orange 24-hour urine capture bottles I used and they create another cube. There’s one space left, which is the one final bottle. So for the two hours of the exhibition opening, I will literally just be standing up there and pissing into the bottle if I have to piss. And at the end of the performance I will climb down and I will dump the urine into the cube and I will place that final bottle on the shelf. So it’s really about closing this piece down.


ht/ ChristianPDX

20 Comments on Urine… the Toilet Zone

  1. Insane queer sophisticates spending hours upon hours collecting, maintaining, displaying and viewing a vat of urine. Right. They’re so much more important and smarter than the rest of us – not. A man the left didn’t want as POTUS has sparked a leftist psychotic break for the ages, lead in this case, by a disturbed woman who thinks debasing herself is art. Proof the left is incapable of being rational or tolerant.
    The True and Living God describes this lunatic behavior and the consequences;
    Romans 1:18-32.

  2. So , a woman, who looks like Jim Carrey in dumber and dumber, is gathering gallons and gallons of human waste for art? Then this mentally ill “artist” will display said art so that other mentally ill idiots will come to see it.
    Got it.

  3. And there’s more than one of these psychos. Her “friends” let her store the bottles in their refrigerators? I have some very good decades long friends and if I asked any one of them to do that for me they’d vigorously refuse right after they notified mental health professionals.

  4. “…a trans artist in New York has collected 200 gallons of her own urine to use in a disgusting art exhibit.”

    This is not the best way for a :Transgender” person to exhibit that that are not mentally ill, as we all know.

  5. We need more videos like the one from many months ago showing libs doing their stupid stuff, narrated by a sober-sounding psychiatrist from the 70s explaining their mental disorders. That was classic and we need about 100 more of them.

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