Claim: Obama Admin Threatened Citizen With Loss of Liberty If They Didn’t Back Off on Uranium One – IOTW Report

Claim: Obama Admin Threatened Citizen With Loss of Liberty If They Didn’t Back Off on Uranium One


The lawyer of a former FBI informant with potentially explosive information on the Obama administration claims her client was intimidated into silence.

Victoria Toensing represents the former informant and claims he was given a direct threat in order to make him drop a civil lawsuit against the government.

The unnamed informant was told by Obama administration lawyers that his “reputation and liberty [would be] in jeopardy” if he didn’t comply, according to attorney Victoria Toensing.

“The Russians have threatened him, and up until just last night the U.S. government has threatened him,” Toensing told the Daily Caller’s Vince Coglianese during an interview on WMAL’s “Mornings on the Mall.”

The FBI informant was working to get information on Russia’s efforts to grow its atomic energy base. He claims, through his lawyer, that he was silenced by Lorreta Lynch, Eric Holder and Obama administration officials about the deal that gave Russia owned company Rosatam control over 20 percent of America’s uranium reserves.

Toensing has been making the rounds to get her client’s message out, and made the same claims on Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight on Monday (2:20).


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