Obama Called For Jury Duty – IOTW Report

Obama Called For Jury Duty


Former President Barack Obama has been called for jury duty in Cook County, Illinois, and he says he plans to fulfill his civic duty by reporting and, if actually chosen, serving.

“He made it crystal-clear to me through his representative that he would carry out his public duty as a citizen and resident of this community,” Cook County Circuit Court chief judge Timothy C. Evans told the Chicago Tribune on Friday.

Obama is eligible to serve on a Cook County jury because owns a large, elegant home in Chicago’s Kenwood neighborhood. (Obama also owns a second large and even more elegant home in Washington, D.C.)

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31 Comments on Obama Called For Jury Duty

  1. How Obama responded to his jury summons

    “As the first African Ammerican to be elected and then re-elected to the office of President, I will be happy to show up to fulfill my duty to my community

    I have no doubt that my mere presence in the jury assembly room will provide a ray of hope to all my fellow African American citizens whose prospects for justice have been brutally crushed by the incendiary racist and divisive rhetoric of our current president

  2. I’m sure he is looking forward to being sequestered in a jury room for weeks with eleven people that lost their doctors and saw their health insurance premiums increase under Obamacare.

  3. If true and he gets as far as jury selection, I have a dollar that says he gets struck in voir dire for being too distracting or something along those lines.

    Can you imagine how much the SS would get in the way for security reasons? Too much circus.

  4. Both attorneys will agree to have to removed from the jury pool because he’s untrustworthy.

    By the end of the trial, Obama will be the judge, giving long speeches on a teleprompter, and eventually side with the minority.

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