Latest Hollywood Fallout: Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Advances Toward 14 Year-old Boy – IOTW Report

Latest Hollywood Fallout: Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Advances Toward 14 Year-old Boy


“Star Trek: Discovery” and “Rent” actor Anthony Rapp said in a report Sunday night that he was 14 years old when actor Kevin Spacey made a sexual advance toward him, the latest in a wave of sexual abuse accusations across Hollywood.

Gay actor – Anthony Rapp

Rapp told Buzzfeed News that in 1986, Spacey, a fellow Broadway actor at the time, invited Rapp to his apartment for a party. Later in the evening, Spacey, then 26, allegedly “picked Rapp up, placed him on his bed, and climbed on top of him, making a sexual advance,” according to the report.

 “He was trying to seduce me,” Rapp recalled. “I don’t know if I would have used that language. But I was aware that he was trying to get with me sexually.”

Rapp recalled he pushed Spacey off of him, went to a bathroom and closed the door, thinking: “What is happening?” He told Spacey he had to go home, to which he allegedly asked if he was “sure” he wanted to do that.

A representative for Spacey did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

“I still to this day can’t wrap my head around so many aspects of it,” Rapp told Buzzfeed. “It’s just deeply confusing to me.”

Rapp, who came forward less than a month after accusations against mega-producer Harvey Weinstein led to his Hollywood downfall, said he decided to speak out “not to simply air a grievance … but to try to shine another light on the decades of behavior that have been allowed to continue because many people, including myself, being silent.”


This led Spacey to confirm what has been suspected of him ever since he’s been an actor –


Kevin Spacey comes out as gay.

Kevin Spacey opened up about a longstanding Hollywood rumor when he came out as gay Sunday night.

Amid accusations from Anthony Rapp, the “American Beauty” star revealed that he has had relationships with men and women throughout his life.

“This story has encouraged me to address other things about my life. I know that there are stories out there about me and that some have been fueled by the fact that I have been so protective of my privacy. As those closest to me know, in my life I have had relationships with both men and women,” Spacey said.

“I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man. I want to deal with this honestly and openly and that starts with examining my own behavior.”

Late Sunday, Rapp accused Spacey of trying to seduce him when he was 14.


“Look, at the end of the day, people have to respect people’s differences. I am different than some people would like me to be. I just don’t buy into that the personal can be political. I just think that’s horses–t. No one’s personal life is in the public interest. It’s gossip, bottom line. End of story.”

30 Comments on Latest Hollywood Fallout: Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Advances Toward 14 Year-old Boy

  1. HAHA, Gawd I hate this guy. I knew it. Fuck this pussy. Did I mention I hate this guy? I’ll sleep tonight with a big ass grin on my face. Just so you know, I hate this faggot.

  2. “I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man. I want to deal with this honestly and openly and that starts with examining my own behavior.”

    Oh so it’s a choice now? LOL.

    Ok who didn’t know this fool was teh ghey? Seriously.

  3. But wait. He plays a President on some realistic (cough) TV show written by writer strung out on coke and asymmetrical sexual relations. (Im not sure where I was going with that but dang it sounds good).

    So naturally his expertise entitles him to criticize President 45. These people are in a trance and need to wake the fuck up. And then shut up.

  4. @ Bad Brad…he plays the ‘Designated Surviver’….then he goes to a bath house in Chicago and saves the world….Hey, It could happen….or has it already been tried?…

  5. I thought Spacey was to realistic as a politician. He’s been practicing for that role for a long time. He likes to screw men and women and so do the elitists pols.

  6. Hollywood Babylon has, at last, finally collapsing upon itself.
    it may take another complete decade before the populace tires of their wallow in their self-pity. but make no mistake, they no longer hold sway. they no longer matter in our lives, as they have completely distained our lives … the whole industry is predicated upon avarice & greed (much like the Swamp) … & their influence is crumbling to dust

    this would have never happened without the election of DJT … thank you, Lord

  7. So you can choose to be straight, then choose to be a bisexual and then choose to be a homo? I thought it wasn’t a choice?

    Taking God out of the equation and we all know what He says whether some like it or not. But just thinking as a human a man chooses to want to put his thing in a man’s hairy rear full of shit. Sorry, even as a woman I’ve never been able to get over that. It’s just so sick.

  8. I read the article about this little twink’s accusation about Kevin Spacey. What was amusing was his tale of the party and not knowing anyone there so he spent the evening sitting on Spaceys bed until all the guests had left. Then was surprised when Spacey entered the darkened room and picked him up like a woman in his arms. What an idiot.

  9. So, he remembers that nite. Being drunk. But does not remember the pedophilia. Right-o.

    Homo is a stepping stone to pedo. And Hollywood glamorizes both endlessly. Getting poo on your pole is not glamorous, it’s horrific.

  10. it’s a dirty secret in the gay community that the vast majority of homosexuals were molested/ raped at a young pre-adult age by someone older than them, of the same sex.

    At a vulnerable young age, lifelong behaviors can be learned or “imprinted” like a baby goose.

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