Sexual Abuse Allegations Have Revealed the Despicable Nature of the Left’s Use of Identity Politics – IOTW Report

Sexual Abuse Allegations Have Revealed the Despicable Nature of the Left’s Use of Identity Politics

What was the very first thing Harvey Weinstein said after being caught with his pants down when they shouldn’t have been?

“I will dedicate my life to going after the NRA.”

He knew what he was attempting to do.

This was supposed to signal to the left to “back off, I’m one of you. I’m one of the entitled.”

Ben Shapiro has made this point. Milo has, and Tucker Carlson has. It’s insidious, It’s ugly.

Then Kevin Spacey made a statement, after his attempted molestation of a minor, that amounted to, “hey, are you really going to go after me for this? I’M GAY!!!!! Helloooooooo?”

Milo said the following-

The left-wing media talked about Spacey’s “brave tweet,” his emotional outing, with nary a word about his attempted statutory rape.

Thank God the rightwing Twitterverse would have none of it. They called Spacey a pedophile.

Right on cue, this is what Slate had to say-

Calling Kevin Spacey a Pedophile Hurts the Gay Community

You see, calling a pedophile a pedophile isn’t cool if it might damage gays. The hell with the victims.

Calling a Muslim terrorist a Muslim terrorist is not cool if it might damage Muslims. The hell with the victims.

A distracted transgender rams into a car, pushing it out into traffic, killing the other driver, and what is discussed is the perps bravery. This is the Bruce Jenner story.

If Bruce Jenner, the cisgender gold medal Olympian republican did this, he’d be in jail right now.

The left has nothing left but identity politics. Their reckless policies are failing around the globe. Now their social issues, their bread and butter, are being seen for what they are- evil.





18 Comments on Sexual Abuse Allegations Have Revealed the Despicable Nature of the Left’s Use of Identity Politics

  1. The lefty misogynistic predatory pedophile left has no idea about what is about to swallow them ala Vesuvius and Herculaneum and Pompei, both consumed with decadence not unlike Hollywood. Let the lava flow in enormous and inescapable rivers.

    I’m feeling apocalyptically mean spirited tonight.
    That’s probably a sin. Whoops.

  2. The Left are those bizarre people whose lungs filled with chilled Atlantic ocean water still believing Titanic couldn’t sink. They never think in terms of current reality, but in ‘intent’ and future perfection. That is how these guys can disassociate from their crimes and from the moral sin. When they signal to their fellow travelers in these ways, they are no different than that muslim in a NYC hospital who wants to hang the ISIS flag in his hospital room.

  3. I am. I am so pissed at Jeff Sessions. Isn’t it his job to enforce existing law? Is it his place to cast an opinion of an existing law? I could be way off, but there is a career worth of existing laws that his department is ignoring and he takes the path of least resistance and comes out against the immigration lottery.

    Gimme a fucking break!

  4. AA,

    No. These people are the worst humanity has to offer. And they don’t care because they are their own God. They are perfectly cognizant they are monsters. They just care. Until they are exposed.

  5. “Homosexuality and pedophilia have a long correlation”

    I read an article several years ago about an independent study and the majority of gay men were molested as children and a majority of them had either molested boys or admitted they were attracted to little boys. This was back before homosexuality was “normal.” Today the study would just be blown off as a pack of lies and homophobic. The same as we can’t talk about what it does to children who are raised by gays and lesbians.

  6. AA, Maybe, probably. Why does anybody listen to these Court Jesters? Where did they gain all their super human expertise. Must have been while they where sexually molesting someone. These people came up through some big city theater troupe. Craved attention. They are ego maniacs by nature. Grabbed a lot of boobs on stage. So whats the difference. I had a girl friend in high school that went off that direction many years ago. She never amounted to shit. But I met her at a class reunion 10 years later. Her nose could not get any higher in the air. I mention this because it’s systemic.

  7. “Do we know if Milo is a pedophile?”

    “I assume he is”

    So do I. Besides, I don’t need a sodomite to tell me how wicked other sodomites are. God has already told us everything we need to know.

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