The Left’s Idiocy in 2 Tweets – IOTW Report

The Left’s Idiocy in 2 Tweets

23 Comments on The Left’s Idiocy in 2 Tweets

  1. First, I have no requirement to apologize for the actions of others. A white leftist trying to undermine the second amendment was not promoted nor authorized by me.

    Second, if a muzz perpetrated a one off execution of Americans I’d agree. But it’s been multiple muzz in countless attacks killing thousands of Americans.
    At some point a rational person might consider that there might be a pattern.

    What a hopelessly stupid person. With any luck an innocent will be absent for the next pre teddy bear pile event and this useless twitterist will take the brunt.

  2. Why do we care what this person says. Is he she a national figure?>>>

    You think the left disagrees with her?
    Where do you think she’s gotten such notions?

    And when the universe sees a comment like that makes an idiot of one’s self, we start to change the narrative.

  3. If I were on Twitter, which I’m not, I would ask whatshername, why her country is such a shit hole. The possibilities are endless dependent on which path she decides to take. But bottom line, she has a country, and she doesn’t like it here. Are you to good for your home bitch?

  4. Maybe she should have that rag on her head used to tie her hands behind her back, so she can’t tweet such nonsense anymore.
    After that, use it to gag her so she can’t speak such crap, either.

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