The Journey Away From the Left – IOTW Report

The Journey Away From the Left

Online personality, Red Pill Black (she’s the one that made the video where she comes out to her parents as conservative, to their horror), discusses how she was Red Pilled (awakened to the evil of the left).

It’s a fascinating story that exposes how far the evil tentacles of the left go, how they gaslight their own, how they false flag racism to further their agenda, and how it’s corporate entities, like Twitter, who are behind it.

8 Comments on The Journey Away From the Left

  1. Youza! Tree of Logic yt’er and many others have apparently figured this woman out.

    Did anyone else get a strange sensation when she said she didn’t have an opinion on abortion? I first chalked it up to her being a recent convert, but I gotta say…still.

    Be vigilant, patriots.

  2. Not a conservative, but a smart marketer. Her real audience are politically “middle of the road” liberal millenials who feel neglected because they’re not hard left. These millenials also support some of President Trump’s policies. She’s just trying to get paid. Not a problem in itself, but she’s disingenuous.

  3. 99th — It’s more serious than that. She’s using conservatives to crowdfund her new website and dox people who visit. At least those are the charges from people who are digging into her background/activities. There’s at least one person (a former (current?) policeman) “Tree of Logic” on YT who thinks she’s got a handle on the situation. It’s all too much for me — a sort of spy-versus-spy thing.

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