PETA Rips Charles Barkley for Rejecting Vegetarianism – IOTW Report

PETA Rips Charles Barkley for Rejecting Vegetarianism

Breitbart Sports: NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley shot down the idea Thursday that vegetarians exist, and now People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is firing back in a statement provided to Breitbart News.

PETA senior vice president Lisa Lange said it was her organization’s position that “there was no such thing as not believing that vegetarians exist,” adding that Barkley should talk with NBA stars who are “thriving” on meat-free meals, such as Boston Celtics’ Kyrie Irving and Portland Trailblazers’ Damian Lillard.  read more

14 Comments on PETA Rips Charles Barkley for Rejecting Vegetarianism

  1. I suspect that Kyrie and Damian are sneaking meat from time to time or using fish, the vegetarians cop-out, to supplement needed protein. Hey if they aren’t, good on them but if PETA comes sniffing looking to snatch the steak off my plate then Ms. Lange better have her life insurance paid up because it’s always nice to leave seomething to the family. PETA, what a bunch of smarmy do nothing (except disguise a kill shop as a pet adoption centre) group of cocktail swilling crazies.

  2. 50+ year vegetarian here. We exist.
    Neither my dogs, nor my wife are.
    Don’t belong to PETA
    Never liked meat, and was mostly vegetarian since a toddler. All by my free choice, nothing imposed. Did have a meatball at my sister’s wedding, back in ’73, to avoid a potential brawl (her new mother in law had made them). None since, and none for years before. I’ve studied nutrition, work in the healthcare field, and don’t have any problems with it.
    I get sh*t from people at dinners and such, so often I don’t go. I just want to choose my diet, and let others choose theirs.
    To Be

  3. I had a girlfriend once, she was a trapper, no, really, a trapper.
    She had a bumper sticker that said:
    Caution, I brake for small animals, kill them, eat them and wear their skins.
    Carried a Colt Python.
    Only woman who made me nervous when she got drunk.

  4. There is a theory amongst anthropologists regarding that Rufus.
    The brain is almost 100% fat, the most essential element to assure survival.
    A theory is floated the reason man’s brain gained so much development early on was the ingestion of this highly nutritional food group.
    Small, weak man was able to crack the skulls of large animals by use of that magic opposable thumb. What the killer of the prey couldn’t do with his powerful jaws, man did with a big rock.
    The discovery of fire made it easier, so, anthropologically speaking, man is a scavenger.
    He scavenged brains and marrow, he scavenged fire, he scavenged tools and we learned.
    Junkyard Dogs

  5. @OpenTheDoor, well said.
    Junkyard dogs, that’s us. With a Divine spark somewhere, I hope.

    Friends of mine, a married couple, went through a long phase together as amateur bodybuilders. Their regimen included extreme low-fat, no-fat diets before Competitions.

    As time went by they noticed the no-fat diet had a temporary effect on brain functioning.
    Memory, focus, attention span.
    Also personality changes, including irritability, wild mood swings, and a weird unwell sense that was something was “wrong”.
    As soon as they resumed a normal diet, their sense of well-being returned after a few days of bacon, eggs, butter, fried foods, etc.

    The German medical industry experimented on POWs with systematic vitamin-deprivation studies. Fats proved as essential as the B’s.

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